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Tag : Regulation

New Regulatory Framework for Public Ancillary Funds

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th July 2011 -  A commonly used financial structure for philanthropic organisations – Public Ancillary Funds – will be reformed to improve their governance and accountability,…

Govt Releases Final Report on NFP Regulator

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th July 2011 -  The Federal Government has released the Final report on the scoping study for a national NFP regulator – opting for a single regulator for all Australian Not for Profits. The…

PilchConnect Calls for Victorian Action on NFP Regulation

Staff Reporter, Monday, 11th October 2010 -  PilchConnect has called on the Victorian Government to work with the Commonwealth on establishing a new, 'one-stop shop' regulator for incorporation, fundraising and…

Productivity Commissioner ‘Frustrated’ by Policy Inaction

Lina Caneva, Friday, 18th June 2010 -   
Productivity Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald says it's scandalous and unacceptable that Australia is still arguing and begging in the area of public policy issues around
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