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Tag : Sydney

Homelessness Reaches New Highs – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 11th March 2014 -  New statistics on the social and economic costs of homelessness have been revealed in a new report that claims that each homeless person costs society on average $29,450 per year.…

Pell Promoted to Top Vatican Job

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -  Sydney’s Catholic Archbishop Cardinal George Pell has been promoted to a newly-created position in the Vatican, to be taken up once he has given evidence to the Royal Commission…


From Politics to Not for Profit

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -  From her earliest school days Anna Bligh had a burning desire to make a difference. Now, after a distinguished political career, the former Queensland Premier writes for Pro Bono

Unique Heart Beat Makes Philanthropic Music

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th February 2014 -  In an Australian first, award winning recording artist, Christine Anu is set to produce a one-of-a-kind music track from the rhythm of Australians’ heartbeats to raise awareness…

Youth Summit Applications Open

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 30th January 2014 -  Australians aged between 18 and 30 are encouraged to apply for the chance to represent their country at this year’s high profile Y20 youth summit in Sydney from July 12-15. Parliamentary…

Partnership Set to Help Save Young Lives

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th January 2014 -  An insurance company’s charitable foundation has partnered with charity The Kids’ Cancer Project to assist one young cancer patient in their battle to overcome childhood…

NFP To Shine on New Year’s Eve

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th December 2013 -  Humanitarian Not for Profit,  Engineers Without Borders (EWB) has been  chosen as the exclusive charity partner for City of Sydney’s New Year celebrations –…

Job Skills Are Alive with the Sound of Music

Staff Reporter, Monday, 16th December 2013 -  A Melbourne-based Not for Profit and social enterprise has harnessed the power of song to help disadvantaged people across the country gain skills and employment. Since starting…

Mental Health Service Provider Buys into Franchise

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th November 2013 -  A mental health service provider has bought into a well-known corporate franchise to help people with psychosocial disabilities get work. RichmondPRA, a Not for Profit that specialises…

Flexibility No Key to Gender Equality – Debate

Staff Reporter, Monday, 18th November 2013 -  Flexible working is not the key to gender equality in the workplace, an audience was told at the Diversity Council Australia’s Annual Diversity Debate in Sydney. The event,…
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