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Tag : People with disability

Aged and Disability Work Discrimination Inquiry

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 20th April 2015 -  A national inquiry has been launched by the Australian Human Rights Commission into employment discrimination against Older Australians and Australians with a Disability. The…


The Ability to Make a Change

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 19th January 2015 -  Craig Wallace has never been one to shy away from a challenge. As the President of People With Disability Australia he represents an entire section of the Australian community. Wallace


It’s Time Business Played its Part in Disability Employment

Staff Reporter, Monday, 21st July 2014 -  Even with the current government incentives and employee support programs in place, the private sector remains hesitant to give people with disability a chance to live and thrive

Young Disability Leaders Join UN Conference

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 11th June 2014 -  The Australian Human Rights Commission has sent a delegation of young people with disabilities to the United Nations Conference of States Parties (COSP) in New York. The delegation…

Disability Employment Services Out for Tender

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th May 2014 -  The Federal Government is opening up the tender process for the first time to full competition for the delivery of the Disability Employment Services – Disability Management…

Disability Rates Twice as High for Australians with Diabetes

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th October 2013 -  People with diabetes are twice as likely to have a disability as people without diabetes, according to a report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).…

Back to the NDIS Future

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 25th September 2013 -  DisabilityCare Australia has now officially reverted back to the original name of National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) under the new Coalition Government – a move…

Grand Western Lodge Residents Lodge Class Action

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th September 2013 -  A class action has been filed on behalf of more than 40 adults with intellectual and psychosocial disability who were residents of a "licensed premises for handicapped people"…

Disabled People More Likely Live in Poverty – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Friday, 22nd March 2013 -  Some 620,600 people with disability in Australia are living below the poverty line used to measure financial hardship in wealthy countries, according to a new report by welfare peak…

Mannequin in a Wheelchair

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th October 2012 -  A young paraplegic model’s determination to get the fashion industry to represent people with disabilities led to her developing the world’s first mannequin in a wheelchair.

Use of Disability Support Services on the Rise – Report

Staff Reporter, Friday, 21st September 2012 - 
Use of disability support services is increasing in Australia, according to AIHW. Photo courtesy: The use of disability support services in Australia is on the rise,…


Employment for Australians with Disabilities – Everybody’s Business Including NFPs

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th January 2012 -  Australia ranks 21st out of 29 OECD countries in employment participation rates for those with a disability (1) and we really should be hanging our head in shame, according to the President
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