Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th October 2013 -
Australia has received an ‘F’ in a UN report card over the country’s treatment of refugees.
The report launched by the United Nations Association of Australia…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st October 2013 - Is there any ethical discussion to be had about stopping the boats, or is it just a matter of whatever it takes? Professor of law at Australian Catholic University, Fr Frank Brennan …
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th September 2013 -
Australia’s hardline approach to "boat people" has seen increasing numbers of volunteers putting their hand up to help asylum seekers.
The number of volunteers…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th August 2013 -
A joint statement by 64 Australian Not for Profit organisations on the first anniversary of the report on the Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers says the situation remains bleak and the…
As the major political parties gear up for one almighty battle, the future of some of the world’s most vulnerable people relies on our ability to see through the political hysteria…
The Refugee Council of Australia has called on the Federal Government to act on a UNHCR report which warns of significant inadequacies in the transfer…
Staff Reporter, Friday, 17th August 2012 -
The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) has criticised the Federal Government’s legislation on asylum seekers, saying the changes to the Migration Act will have limited…
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 15th August 2012 - The Expert Panel’s Asylum Seekers Report emphasises it is presenting a suite of measures which would operate together: so there should not be “cherry picking”…
Staff Reporter, Friday, 3rd August 2012 - A panel of academic experts at The Conversation has drafted a statement outlining what it says is a fair, humane and workable policy approach to asylum seekers losing their lives at…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st February 2012 -
The Salvation Army has called for a more rational debate in the Australian community about solutions to the issue of those seeking asylum.
The Salvation Army expressed concern that…
Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th November 2011 - Australia must remain committed to processing and resettling those genuine refugees who reach our shores – regardless of the measures we put in place to deter their …
Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th October 2011 - This article is by Matthew Thompson and was first published by The Conversation. It is republished here under CreativeCommons– Attribution/No…