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We know that every role and organisation is different, that’s why we have a tiered offering to suit your needs.

What’s more, you can save up to 15% by purchasing an ad pack.

When you post a role on Pro Bono Jobs, you’ll be helping us continue our social impact by keeping our volunteering board free and accessible to all. Find out more here.

If you need a hand posting a job, or want to chat about the recruitment software integrations we offer, please don’t hesitate to give us a call on 03 8080 5650, or email us here, to have a chat with one of our dedicated Careers Account Executive.


Choose your type of job listing

  • Features

    • Ability to post unlimited text and upload position descriptions and logos
    • Jobs listing can be edited at any time
    • Access to our dedicated careers account managers
    • Inclusion in weekly careers edition to 41k subscribers, delivered every Monday
    • 30 day posting
    • 45 day posting
    • Twitter exposure to reach an additional 15k followers
    • Listing highlighted in, and promoted to top of, weekly careers edition
    • LinkedIn exposure to reach an additional 5k followers
    • Listing highlighted in search results and featured across Careers landing page

    Additional options

    • Our team will upload & format your listing for $30 each. Premium job uploads are complimentary. Please email
  • Basic
    All you need to get your job online

    • Ability to post unlimited text and upload position descriptions and logos
    • Jobs listing can be edited at any time
    • Access to our dedicated careers account managers
    • Inclusion in weekly careers edition to 41k subscribers, delivered every Monday
    • 30 day posting
    • 45 day posting
    • Twitter exposure to reach an additional 15k followers
    • Listing highlighted in, and promoted to top of, weekly careers edition
    • LinkedIn exposure to reach an additional 5k followers
    • Listing highlighted in search results and featured across Careers landing page

    • Advanced
      Increase page views by 25%

      • Ability to post unlimited text and upload position descriptions and logos
      • Jobs listing can be edited at any time
      • Access to our dedicated careers account managers
      • Inclusion in weekly careers edition to 41k subscribers, delivered every Monday
      • 30 day posting
      • 45 day posting
      • Twitter exposure to reach an additional 15k followers
      • Listing highlighted in, and promoted to top of, weekly careers edition
      • LinkedIn exposure to reach an additional 5k followers
      • Listing highlighted in search results and featured across Careers landing page

      • Premium
        Increase page views by a further 38%

        • Ability to post unlimited text and upload position descriptions and logos
        • Jobs listing can be edited at any time
        • Access to our dedicated careers account managers
        • Inclusion in weekly careers edition to 41k subscribers, delivered every Monday
        • 30 day posting
        • 45 day posting
        • Twitter exposure to reach an additional 15k followers
        • Listing highlighted in, and promoted to top of, weekly careers edition
        • LinkedIn exposure to reach an additional 5k followers
        • Listing highlighted in search results and featured across Careers landing page

        Ad packs

        You can save up to 15% by purchasing a job pack. There is no expiration date, and no amendment or other extra fees!



        Pack price


















        Our difference


        Our candidates are talented, relevant and experienced. They’re looking for employers who match their values, just like you.


        We reach an audience way beyond our job board, and can reach a passive audience of potential job seekers through our news offering.


        You’re helping us create substantial value for the social economy. Our profits go to keeping our news service free, and 10% is funneled back to Infoxchange.


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