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General Manager

The role of a Not-for-Profit General Manager is pivotal in overseeing the overall operations and strategic direction of the organisation. They provide leadership, guidance, and management to ensure the effective functioning of all departments and programs.

Stay informed and ensure your organisation remains competitive by accessing our comprehensive Not-for-Profit General Manager Salary Survey report today.

Please note:

This report is available as a digital download only.

For over a decade, the Pro Bono Australia Salary Survey has meticulously researched compensation levels for Not-for-Profit General Managers, serving as a trusted resource for both organisations and individuals. It’s crucial that the salary for this role reflects its significance in driving organisational success and attracting experienced leaders to the sector.

If you’re currently serving as a Not-for-Profit General Manager, our Salary Survey provides evidence-based insights into market compensation, ensuring you’re fairly remunerated for your leadership and management responsibilities.
For organisations seeking to recruit or retain talented General Managers, our survey offers guidance on setting competitive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent.

The average base salary for General Managers has continued to increase each year since 2019. Our survey tracks the changes in salaries and other remuneration benefits over the past 12 months.

Remember, when comparing salaries, factors like organisation size and sector must be taken into account for accurate benchmarking.


The Salary section of the report includes a detailed analysis of the position, including base salaries, superannuation, benefits and allowances. This information can be used by other General Managers to get a better idea of their financial standing.


The Salary Survey report breaks down the remuneration data for General Managers by sector, identifying the expected base salary of employees in each field. This data can be used by employees in similar positions seeking accurate salary information for their sector.

Operating Budget

As part of their contribution, respondents in the Salary Survey report nominated the operating budget of the organisation they work for. The data allows other General Managers to benchmark their pay against organisations of a similar size.


The Salary Survey report contains data on the salaries of General Managers relative to the number of employees at the organisation they work for. As well as giving a representative sample of the size of not-for-profit organisations, the report can be used by General Managers seeking to realign their pay with industry standards.


The Salary Survey report for General Managers categorises base salaries by the state or territory their organisation is based in. This allows other employees or organisations to benchmark their remuneration against others in their region.

Tax Status

The Salary Survey report compares the salaries of General Managers with their organisation’s tax exemption status and notes any trends or anomalies, providing an accurate analysis of the effects of tax exemption on total remuneration.

Want more information on the Salary Survey report?

The Salary Survey for General Managers is just the start. The full Salary Survey report contains remuneration data on 11 other major roles and 27 more specialised positions. Purchase your copy of the complete Salary Survey report here!

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Is Workplace Flexibility Still Important in 2024?

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How Pro Bono Australia’s Salary Survey Can Help You Offer Competitive Salaries

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In a competitive employment environment, sometimes the right salary can be what makes all the difference in hiring the best talent. But in order to offer the right salary, recruitment managers need to know what the market is doing and how they’re positioned within it.

Why support Australia’s most trusted NFP salary report

“Pro Bono Australia’s Salary Survey delivers a robust evidence base which can be trusted by boards, CEOs and managers to guide them when reviewing vital remuneration decisions.

When you purchase a Salary Survey, you’ll also be helping us continue our social impact by keeping services such as Pro Bono News free and accessible to all. Our services have a social return on investment of 11:1. Thank you for your ongoing support.”

– Karen Mahlab AM, Pro Bono Australia CEO & Founder

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