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Volunteer for the World’s Largest Paddle Out Ever!

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Organisation : Spirited Foundation Limited

Location : Australia (Remote)

Time required : 10 hours per week

Duration of project : 90 Days

Sector : Community Support Services

Application closing date : 6 Sep, 2024

About the role

On December 1st, 2024, we will gather at beaches across the nation for the world’s largest ever paddle out. This powerful event will bring together communities, surfers, and supporters to #protectourown and raise critical funds to support youth who have endured the trauma of domestic violence.
Why We Need You: To make this event a success, we need passionate volunteers who share our vision. Your role will be crucial in helping us organize, coordinate, and ensure that everything runs smoothly on the day. Whether it’s reaching out to surf schools, assisting with logistics, or providing support to participants, your contribution will be invaluable.
How You Can Help:
  • Volunteer Your Time: We need hands-on support to manage the event and ensure it’s a success.
  • Spread the Word: Help us reach out to surf schools and communities to join the movement.
  • Join the Paddle Out: Be part of a historic moment by paddling out with us on the day.
Why It Matters: Domestic violence is a critical issue, and young people are among the most vulnerable. By supporting this event, you’re helping to provide vital services like counselling, safe spaces, and education to those who need it most.
Get Involved:If you’re keen to volunteer or want more information, comment below or message me directly. Let’s make history together and create a wave of change that will echo across Australia.
Thank you for your support. 🌟

About the organisation

Organisation name : Spirited Foundation Limited

Our Organisation

At Spirited Foundation Limited, we are dedicated to creating a vibrant, caring community where every young person feels safe, valued, and free to express themselves. Our mission is to foster a culture of inclusivity, support, and joy, empowering youth to embrace their uniqueness and contribute positively to their community, environment, and the world around them. With extensive experience leading workshops, coaching sessions, and programs focused on building resilience, leadership skills, and self-confidence among young people, these workshops provide practical tools and strategies for navigating challenges and achieving personal goals. I've facilitated youth-led advocacy campaigns and groups promoting mental health awareness. These campaigns empower young people to raise their voices, advocate for change, and contribute to positive social impact. Spirited Future Leaders is a successful model based on a past program that amplified the voice of youth on issues affecting them. This involved working closely with schools, businesses, and community groups to ensure comprehensive support and engagement. By leveraging these resources, we strive to create an environment where youth can thrive, express themselves openly, and address the issues that matter to them. Our goal is to empower young people to become confident, resilient leaders who can positively impact their communities.

 Sam's Story

"Watching this cycle of violence continue within my family and community is heart-wrenching. Despite the self-development work I've done over the years, I see how my parents' troubled relationship has shaped my own relationships and those of my siblings, who still grapple with domestic violence. This isn't about placing blame, but rather understanding a cycle of generational trauma that began long before my parents. Both of them experienced childhood trauma, deeply affecting their lives and, consequently, ours.

​Unfortunately, this cycle extends to our sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, and future generations. If we, as a nation, don't address this problem, the ripple effect of domestic violence will continue to impact families and communities, leading to mental health issues, addiction, risk-taking behaviours, and, in the worst cases, suicide.

​Talking about domestic violence is challenging, especially given the stigma surrounding it in our community. However, addressing this issue openly is crucial for healing. We must break the silence to break the cycle before it's too late. At Spirited Foundation, we are committed to raising awareness, providing support, and fostering a safer future for all. Join us in addressing this critical issue and making a lasting difference"

Sam Hilton
Founder and Director, Spirited Foundation Limited

The Stats

  • According to the PHN Mental Health Regional Plan 2020-2025 domestic violence has long-term consequences for the physical and mental health of those experiencing this crime. Children who are exposed to trauma and abuse in childhood are also more likely to experience mental illness as adults. "

  • The Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Personal Safety Survey estimated that 2.2 million adults have been victims of physical and/or sexual violence from a partner since the age of 15, 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men have been sexually harassed, and 1 in 6 women and 1 in 16 men have experienced stalking. In 2017, police recorded 25,000 victims of sexual assault.

    The Central Coast (Where Sam grew up) has the third highest rate of domestic violence reported incidents according to a BOCSAR ( NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research) report also shows women and children are primarily affected by domestic violence in NSW. 

  • In 2023, there were 3982 reported incidents of DV assault victims of family violence who were children in NSW alone.


  • New data from the Australian Institute of Family Studies has found that nearly one-third of Australian young people aged 18-19 years old have experienced intimate partner violence in the past year alone.


The Vision

" Building better futures for the youth of today "

Deliver 50 outdoor programs in the First Year



Deliver outdoor programs, promoting health, awareness and mental well-being.

Key Actions:
Secure funding through grants, donations and sponsorships.

Partner with local governments and community organisations.

Hire and train staff to manage and operate the outdoor programs.


Offer refuge and stability for youth in crisis, enabling them to begin the healing process in a secure environment.

Educate over 10,000 students in the First Year

Educate and empower youth affected by domestic violence through school presentations

Key Actions:
Collaborate with 50 schools and 10 community organizations to host sessions.

Schedule and deliver presentations throughout the year.

Collect feedback to assess effectiveness and improve content.

Educate over 10,000 students on domestic violence and available resources.

Enhance mental health and resilience among participants.

Empower students to support peers and create safer communities.

Contribute to long-term prevention and healthy relationship-building.

Launch a Nationwide Awareness Campaign

Educate the public about domestic violence and its impact on youth, reducing stigma and promoting prevention.

Key Actions:
Develop engaging content for social media, print, and public service announcements.

Collaborate with influencers, schools, and community leaders to amplify the message.

Host community events, workshops, and LIVE webinars to engage and inform the public.

Increase public awareness and understanding, fostering a supportive community and encouraging more people to seek help and support for those affected.
Educate the public about domestic violence and its impact on youth, reducing stigma and promoting prevention.

Not for Profit : Yes

How to apply

Applications not allowed for this volunteering opportunity.

Please quote in application: Volunteer for the World's Largest Paddle Out Ever! via Pro Bono Australia.


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