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Organisation : Enoggera Bowls, Sport & Community Inc

Location : Brisbane (Enoggera)

Time required : 2-3 hours for monthly Management Committee Meetings. Approx. 1 hour per week to review emails / invoices.

Duration of project : The casual vacancy can be filled until the next AGM in November 2025. The Treasurer position is an elected position at AGMs

Sector : Sport & Recreation

Application closing date : 28 Feb, 2025

About the role

The Management Committee is an essential part of community recreational associations- our bowling community needs a treasurer on the committee to keep our community and members bowling.

Our club needs a person who is “community minded “ about sports and recreation and has treasurer/Management Committee skills. We have book keeper support, no pokies and no bar. Our Treasurer will oversee the finances of the Club and be a voting member at the Management Committee to support the Club.

We need a Management Committee member  (either treasurer or secretary) who can fill **one casual vacancy** position until the November 2005 AGM.

A treasurer would need to understand the financial documents presented by the bookkeeper, aswell as develop and support sound financial decisions for the Club.  We have a MC member who can guide you on Assoc Inc Constitutional requirements.

The treasurer would be filling a casual vacancy and would need to apply and become a Club member . This position could be filled by a member outside of the Brisbane area, but we would prefer a person from nearby to Enoggera

Our club has no employees; we rely on member volunteers, member volunteers with a stipend payment and contractors. We have a club coach, accredited umpires, a Barefoot Bowls coach, assett coordinator, membership and bowls events coordinators.

We need a Management Committee member  (either treasurer or secretary) who can fill one casual vacancy position until the November 2005 AGM. A treasurer would need to understand the financial documents presented by the bookkeeper, aswell as develop and support sound financial decisions for the Club. The treasurer would be filling a casual vacancy and would need to apply and become a Club member . This position could be filled by a member outside of the Brisbane area, but we would prefer a person from nearby to Enoggera

Management Committee meeting are usually held once per month  and requires you to attend to tasks throughout the month; we can plan around holidays.

About the organisation

Organisation name : Enoggera Bowls, Sport & Community Inc

People  love coming to play bowls at Enoggera Bowls Club for a variety of reasons
-  For competition
- For social connection (barefoot bowls and weekly social bowls)
- To build physical / planning skills
- For solo practice and recreation time
- To relax and de-stress
- The shade cover makes bowls comfortable and possible despite the weather

Our community lawn bowls club currently supports people with different backgrounds:

- Retired persons
- Working people(shift/split shift)
- People transitioning from full time work to part time work
- People living with a disability
- People with early stage dementia

Two examples of our Club's special community activities:
1. One son brings his father to play bowls 4-5 times per week. The father is a bowler and now has dementia- but he can bowl and have people at the club  talk to him. This community based opportunity is rich for the son and the father.
2. Our  91 year old member bowler visits his wife, who is now in care, every day of the week except for Wednesday- which is Club Pairs. He also
spends an hour several days per week practicing bowls and attends Saturday Social Bowls. We are keeping older persons engaged in their community both physically and socially.

Our Club Inc can not operate without a Treasurer- that's how important this person is to us!

We are a community club (Association Inc) that cares for our members and two amazing undercover all weather lawn bowls greens. With our current club resources we have the capacity to develop greater membership and public access to lawn bowls as a recreation, sporting and lifestyle pursuit.

The next step: Meet with the other MC members to assess your fit in our community based recreation Club.

Not for Profit : Yes

How to apply

Applications not allowed for this volunteering opportunity.

Please quote in application: Treasurer via Pro Bono Australia.


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