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Pangolin Associates Pty Ltd


Suite 212 , 377 Kent St

Sydney  NSW  2000

Phone : 02 8005 6300


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Bcorp Certified

Pangolin Associates is a national energy and carbon management consultancy. Pangolin helps organisations achieve efficiencies and competitiveness through measuring, reducing and offsetting environmental impacts such as energy use and carbon emissions.

Pangolin’s core services include energy efficiency audits, comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments, verifications and assurance engagements in compliance with government schemes such as NGER, NCOS and the ERF, and international programs such as the ACA and CDP. The firm also provides carbon accounting software, energy monitoring solutions, advice on carbon neutrality, along with the supply of carbon credits.

Pangolin’s scientific team has comprehensive experience and the highest level of environmental accreditations. Auditors are registered with the Federal Government’s Clean Energy Regulator and hold relevant professional qualifications.

Pangolin is an Australian-owned company working with all levels of business and government in Australia, New Zealand and globally. Visit: .

Leadership Team

Iain Smale , Managing Director
Iain has worked closely with SME’s, corporates and government, and has a reputation for developing smart sustainability plans.

He has more than 20 years of business solutions experience, many of those in technology. Iain’s extensive experience in systems integration with its compliancy responsibilities has been invaluable. He is a trusted partner for businesses facing environmental regulations, commercial or supply chain pressures, as well as those wanting to be socially responsible.

Iain is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and is now regularly sought by media for commentary on the carbon economy.

In past years, Iain helped businesses in his community of Pittwater NSW become more sustainable. Now part of the Blue Mountains community, he looks forward to contributing to the sustainability of local businesses with carbon reduction and new clean energy initiatives.

Chris Wilson, Director of Sustainability Advisory Services

Chris Wilson, Pangolin AssociatesChris is a developer and provider of a suite of sustainability advisory services. He constructs and maintains frameworks and management systems that deliver effective environmental outcomes and efficiency gains. Chris has several years experience in the sector.

Chris is certified as an Associate Environmental Auditor through Exemplar Global, and a full member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. He has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management from the University of New South Wales, and a Bachelor’s Degree in The History & Philosophy of Science from Griffith University.

Chris is a Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditor (Category 1) under section 75A of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 through the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator. He is also a member of the general committee for the Australian Institute of Environmental Accounting

We are pre-dominantly are services company, following is a list of our core services

  • Energy Audit
    • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Assessment)
    • Measurement and Verification Services M & V
    • Strategic Energy and Emissions Management (SEEM) Staff Travel and Climate Change Attitudes Reports
    • Sustainability Planning
    • NGER (National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
    • NCOS (National Carbon Offset Standard
    • ERF (Emissions Reduction Fund)
  • CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project)
  • ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation)
    • NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System)


  • Other carbon management services:
    • Carbon accounting software
    • Energy monitoring solution
    • Carbon credits – advice and supply

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We also survey potential suppliers with survey attached.

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About Us

Pangolin Associates is a national energy and carbon management consultancy. Pangolin helps organisations achieve efficiencies and competitiveness through measuring, reducing and offsetting environmental impacts such as energy use and carbon emissions.

Pangolin’s core services include energy efficiency audits, comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments, verifications and assurance engagements in compliance with government schemes such as NGER, NCOS and the ERF, and international programs such as the ACA and CDP. The firm also provides carbon accounting software, energy monitoring solutions, advice on carbon neutrality, along with the supply of carbon credits.

Pangolin’s scientific team has comprehensive experience and the highest level of environmental accreditations. Auditors are registered with the Federal Government’s Clean Energy Regulator and hold relevant professional qualifications.

Pangolin is an Australian-owned company working with all levels of business and government in Australia, New Zealand and globally. Visit: .

Leadership Team

Iain Smale , Managing Director
Iain has worked closely with SME’s, corporates and government, and has a reputation for developing smart sustainability plans.

He has more than 20 years of business solutions experience, many of those in technology. Iain’s extensive experience in systems integration with its compliancy responsibilities has been invaluable. He is a trusted partner for businesses facing environmental regulations, commercial or supply chain pressures, as well as those wanting to be socially responsible.

Iain is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) and is now regularly sought by media for commentary on the carbon economy.

In past years, Iain helped businesses in his community of Pittwater NSW become more sustainable. Now part of the Blue Mountains community, he looks forward to contributing to the sustainability of local businesses with carbon reduction and new clean energy initiatives.

Chris Wilson, Director of Sustainability Advisory Services

Chris Wilson, Pangolin AssociatesChris is a developer and provider of a suite of sustainability advisory services. He constructs and maintains frameworks and management systems that deliver effective environmental outcomes and efficiency gains. Chris has several years experience in the sector.

Chris is certified as an Associate Environmental Auditor through Exemplar Global, and a full member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand. He has a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management from the University of New South Wales, and a Bachelor’s Degree in The History & Philosophy of Science from Griffith University.

Chris is a Registered Greenhouse and Energy Auditor (Category 1) under section 75A of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 through the Australian Government’s Clean Energy Regulator. He is also a member of the general committee for the Australian Institute of Environmental Accounting


We are pre-dominantly are services company, following is a list of our core services

  • Energy Audit
    • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Assessment)
    • Measurement and Verification Services M & V
    • Strategic Energy and Emissions Management (SEEM) Staff Travel and Climate Change Attitudes Reports
    • Sustainability Planning
    • NGER (National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
    • NCOS (National Carbon Offset Standard
    • ERF (Emissions Reduction Fund)
  • CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project)
  • ACA (Airport Carbon Accreditation)
    • NABERS (National Australian Built Environment Rating System)


  • Other carbon management services:
    • Carbon accounting software
    • Energy monitoring solution
    • Carbon credits – advice and supply

Supply Chain

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We also survey potential suppliers with survey attached.


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