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Corporate sponsorship: The tips and tools you must have to successfully land corporate support.

Date: 13 November 2014 at 03:00 am Presenter: Julie Johnson Run time: 60 Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Corporate sponsorship is seen by many as the holy grail – a way to receive significant support, whether it be financial or in-kind from businesses. But it can be hard to find and difficult to secure.
In this webinar, Julie Johnson will empower you to effectively engage with the corporate sector in order to build satisfying and productive corporate partnerships.  Julie will cover:
  • The changing face of corporate engagement
  • Three strategies for successful partnerships
  • How to write a winning case for support
Who Should Attend?
This webinar is relevant to anyone in the community sector who is responsible for securing sponsorships or wants to understand how to create a compelling written case for support.
Can’t make the date?
If you pay and register for any of our Executive Webinars, you will also receive full video and audio of the presentation. So, if your schedule is tight, you can watch it in your own time.


Julie Johnson

Julie Johnson

Managing Director of O'Keefe and Partners, Julie brings 25 years of wisdom and experience to the table. After a highly successful career start in sports management and sponsorship, Julie migrated to the business end of social change where she pioneered several not for profit marketing and advertising campaigns.  Julie now leads an organisation specialising in building capacity and fulfilling business objectives within the philanthropic and not for profit space.

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