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FREE Webinar: The challenges of financial sustainability for the Not for Profit sector 2.0

Date: 25 May 2016 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Michael Walsh Run time: 60 minutes Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Steps Not for Profits can take to help maintain financial sustainability, and how the budget and election could affect the sector.

In partnership with UCA Funds this webinar will present practical advice for how Not for Profits can maintain financial sustainability in this period of economic and political change. Presenter Michael Walsh will analyse strategic steps that can be applied to address the challenges facing the sector.

This webinar will discuss:
•Budget changes (Federal and State) and election policy positions
•Proposed changes to public policy for funding, policy trends and innovation
•The economic outlook and what it means for the sector
•Strategic steps to face the challenges of financial sustainability
•Strategic financial structures that can be applied
•Different investment strategy responses
•How organisations just like you are facing the challenge

Who will benefit?
This webinar is best suited to Not for Profit and faith-based board members, chief executives, treasurers, investment partners, finance managers or key influencers.

Post webinar pack

Can’t make the date? All registered participants will be sent a post webinar pack 2–3 days afterthe session. The packs include the live webinar recording, slide deck and webinar book. The webinar book is a tool designed to ensure your learnings last. It includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream (so you’re across peer discussion) and presenter notes. Whether you are wanting to brush up on what you’ve learned or if you missed the live session, the post webinar tool kit ensures you’re always across the session’s learnings.

This Executive Webinar is proudly presented by RedBack Conferencing.

Redback Conferencing is an Australian Conferencing Service Provider that dramatically improves the way organisations meet, present and collaborate at a distance. They deploy the latest Webinar, Webcasting, Teleconferencing, Web Conferencing and Video Conferencing technologies to thousands of Australian organisations all while delivering an unmatched level of support, ease of use and peace of mind. ( |


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Michael Walsh

Michael Walsh

For the past 15 years, Michael Walsh, CEO and Executive Director of UCA Funds, has been dedicated to the ethical investing sector and the specific financial attributes of Not for Profit organisations. Michael’s career spans over 35 years in the financial services industry, and includes several executive and advisory roles in investment strategy and portfolio construction for personal investors.
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