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Front + Centre

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Location: Melbourne , Victoria (Pullman on the Park, 192 Wellington Street, East Melbourne) Event Dates:   18 October 2017 - 20 October 2017

Event Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (AEST) Organisation: Youth Affairs Council Victoria Contact Name: YACVic conference team Contact Phone: 03 9267 3799 Contact Email: Cost: For information about prices and how to register go to Posted: 11 September 2017

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Front + Centre


Sector Defining.

If you work with young people, this is a conversation you want to be a part of.

Front + Centre will bring together youth workers from community, government and for-purpose agencies to shape the future of the youth sector. We’ll explore the hot topics, tackle the big questions and discuss new research and good practice.

The 3 days will be jam-packed with inspiring presentations, thought-provoking conversations and hands-on workshops from some of the most renowned thinkers and doers in youth work.

A snapshot of key topics in our program

Day 1 – Our Practice: today and beyond

The big picture — youth work now and in the future
Ending family violence and promoting respectful relationships
Youth justice is everybody’s business

Day 2 – Using data and telling stories

Studying young Australians’ lives to help shape the future
Telling powerful stories of youth work
Sparking change through collaborative arts

Day 3 – Inclusive engagement

Young people, gender and sexuality
Are you ready for the NDIS?
Meaningful youth engagement and participation

Some of the speakers at Front + Centre

  • Dr Tim Corney, Associate Professor, College of Arts & Education, Victoria University
  • Dr. Philippa Collin, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University
  • Sally Thompson, Deputy Director, Sector Engagement and Capability Development, Future Social Service Institute
  • Emily Maguire, CEO, Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
  • Fiona McCormack, CEO, Domestic Violence Victoria
  • Prof. Mark Halsey, Professor of Criminology, Centre for Crime Policy and Research, Flinders University
  • Penny Armytage, Special Advisor, KPMG, and co-contributor of Youth Justice Review
  • Professor Johanna Wyn, Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor, Youth Research Centre, University of Melbourne
  • Dr Genevieve Knight, Manager of Research Operations, National Centre for Vocational Education
  • Dalit Kaplan, Founder of Storywell
  • Alexandra Fuller, Campaign Communications Director, Oaktree
  • Jax Jacki Brown, disability and LGBTIQ+ rights activist
  • Aretha Stewart-Brown, Youth Prime Minister, National Indigenous Youth Parliament 2017

For more speakers and the full program, go to


Each day will offer interactive workshops on a range of topics, across research, policy and advocacy, youth work 101 and practice masterclasses. You will learn from ground-breaking researchers, thought-leaders and practitioners; share ideas for navigating the ever-changing challenges and complexities of our practice; develop ways to articulate and communicate the value and impact of youth work and, build meaningful connections with passionate peers.

This is a groundbreaking event you don’t want to miss out on!

Event Category: Communities

Event Type: Conference

Enquiries: Contact Phone 03 9267 3799


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