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Fundraising in Australia: Risk, Governance and Sustainability

Date: 20 June 2019 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Katherine Raskob Location: Online Live Tickets: $55 (in AUD) Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Fundraising dollars are the cornerstone of over 22,000 Australian not for profits, so it’s important you know about the risks, governance issues and threats to sustainability for this essential part of the not-for-profit sector.

In this 60-minute session, chief executive officer of Fundraising Institute Australia Katherine Raskob will help you understand the key dangers, issues and opportunities that have the potential to impact any and every organisation that fundraises.

This webinar will help you understand:

  • the risks surrounding fundraising in the not-for-profit sector;
  • how to minimise those risks in your organisation; and
  • how to talk fundraising at a board and CEO level.

Book your ticket today to ensure the fundraising strategy of your organisation is future ready.


Pricing and webinar details:

• Online Event

• Thursday, 20 June 2019, 2pm – 3pm (AEST)

• Individual Access from $55


Ticket price includes:

•  Live access to the webinar — all you need is a computer and/or phone

•  Access to the interactive chat box to have your questions answered live

•  Post Webinar Pack. The packs include the audio and visual recordings, slide deck, and (if purchased) the webinar book. The webinar book includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.


Who should attend?

Anyone who needs to understand private fundraising, who is actively involved or relies on this stream of revenue to run their business


Katherine Raskob

Katherine Raskob

Katherine is the Chief Executive Officer of Fundraising Institute Australia, the largest representative body for the $10 billion charitable fundraising sector. Previously she was Director of Communications & Customer Experience at the network called the Australian Alliance for Data Leadership, incorporating Australia’s largest marketing association, the Association for Data-driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA). Her experience encompasses both commercial and not-for-profit organisations including SBS, where she spent more than seven years as Head of Group Marketing. Katherine is also a member of the Board of Directors of Girl Guides Australia and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
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