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Privacy Law and Cybersecurity – What Your NFP Can Do to Manage Personal Information Risk

Date: 27 June 2019 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Pro Bono Australia Run time: 60 minutes Location: Online Live Tickets: $55 (in AUD) Materials Price: $ (in AUD)

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Prepare your not-for-profit to avoid and deal with a data breach with vital information and tips that will demystify cybersecurity.

In this 60 minute session, Justice Connect and law firm Wotton and Kearney will examine the key cybersecurity risks for the not-for-profit sector, and provide some practical tips about how these can be addressed.

Our expert presenters will look at the privacy law context for data security obligations, and provide insights from recent cyber attacks and data breaches involving not-for-profits. They will provide you with practical tips to improve cyber security in your organisation and prepare a cyber incident response plan, and will also explain how insurance can help you protect your organisation against the losses arising from a data breach

This webinar will guide you through:

  • easy tips to improve the cybersecurity of your organisation’s systems, even if you don’t have internal IT staff;
  • how to prepare a cyber incident response plan; and
  • the role of cyber insurance in preparing your organisation for the aftermath of a data breach.

Book your ticket today to ensure you are better prepared both to avoid and respond to a cybersecurity failure.


Pricing and webinar details:

• Online Event

• Thursday, 27 June 2019, 2pm – 3pm (AEST)

• Individual Access from $55


Ticket price includes:

•  Live access to the webinar — all you need is a computer and/or phone

•  Access to the interactive chat box to have your questions answered live

•  Post Webinar Pack. The packs include the audio and visual recordings, slide deck, and (if purchased) the webinar book. The webinar book includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.


Who should attend?

This webinar is ideal for anyone in a not for profit with responsibility for making decisions about personal information security and risk management. It will prepare you to avoid and respond to a privacy breach by providing important information and practical tips about cyber security.


Presented by:

Mae Tanner, Senior Lawyer (Justice Connect)

Mae is senior lawyer at Justice Connect’s Not-for-profit Law service and has delivered privacy training and legal advice on privacy compliance to hundreds of charities and NFPs. Prior to joining Justice Connect in 2016, Mae worked as a lawyer across the private, government and non-governmental sectors in Australia and overseas.

Kieran Doyle, Special Counsel (Wotton & Kearney)

Kieran is a senior lawyer at W+K specialising in cyber claims. He has experience setting up and managing data breach response vendor teams and managing cyber claims, from ransomware attacks to full scale breaches, Privacy Act compliance and notification, and acting as a cyber breach lawyer for 1st and 3rd party cyber risks. He advises insurers and their clients on pre breach compliance with privacy laws including how international privacy law applies to local businesses.

Jessica Chapman, Graduate at Law (Wotton & Kearney)

Jessica is a graduate lawyer in W+K’s financial lines team. She has provided the cyber team with critical support on a number of data breaches handled by the team. Jessica completed an Honours’ thesis exploring the ability of Australia’s new mandatory data breach notification laws to protect consumers from data breaches with the use of blockchain technology.

This webinar is brought to you in partnership with Justice Connect.


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