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Privacy Law for Not-for-profits Webinar

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Location: Online (Online) Event Dates:   12 March 2019

Event Time: 12:45 PM - 2:00 PM (AEST) Organisation: Not-for-profit Law/Justice Connect Contact Name: Not-for-profit Law Contact Phone: 03 8636 4448 Contact Email: Cost: $30.00 Posted: 11 January 2019

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Privacy Law for Not-for-profits Webinar


In February 2018, new laws about how to deal with serious privacy breaches came into play. Find out how this affects your organisation as we walk you through the personal information lifecycle – from collection, through to use and disclosure, storage and access, complaints and the new data breach notification laws. A must for anyone involved in a not-for-profit organisation that wants to know more about privacy law and best practice for managing the personal information of clients, members, volunteers and others.

What we’ll cover:

  • What are the privacy laws that might apply to your organisation?
  • Systems to put in place to manage personal information
  • How to legally collect, use, handle and store personal information
  • Information rights for individuals – access and correction
  • New data breach notification laws – what is required?
  • Top tips and further resources

Event Category: Communities | Governance / Management | Other

Event Type: Webinar

Enquiries: Contact Phone 03 8636 4448


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