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Purpose-Driven Investment for Purpose-Driven Organisations: The Case for Ethical Investing

Date: 30 May 2019 at 02:00 pm Presenter: James Cook Location: Online Live Tickets: Free (in AUD) Materials Price: $ (in AUD)

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How does ethical investing stack up against rest of the market? Does it automatically mean lower returns? 

In this free 60-minute session, expert presenter James Cook of U Ethical will discuss the emerging ethical investing sector, with a high-level view of the distinctions between the scale, scope and availability of investment options which aim (or claim) to balance financial return with ethical, moral and social concerns.

Guided by James, you’ll learn the answers to the following questions:

  • What is ethical investing?
  • What is behind the rise in ethical concerns?
  • Do you have to sacrifice returns to invest ethically?

Demand for better transparency and values alignment in investments is rising. And with outcomes that provide societal benefits at no sacrifice to investment returns, ethical investing doesn’t look to be slowing down anytime soon.

Join this May 30 webinar to discover the case for ethical investing, not just from a social and community standpoint, but a financial one too.


James Cook

James Cook

James has over 32 years of portfolio and senior management experience with the bulk of his career in funds management, covering Australasian and international equity portfolios. As Director Investments, James is responsible for the formulation of investment strategy and overall management of U Ethical portfolios. His most recent experience involved managing portfolios for charities and not-for-profit groups across diversified portfolios at ANZ Trustees.
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