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Are you in Shape for the Increasingly Flexible Workforce?

Date: 16 November 2016 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Pam Kershaw, Jennifer Hart & James Law Run time: 60 minutes Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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By 2020, up to 40% of workers are expected to be part of an agile workforce. This means flexible hours, remote work spaces, and the ability to service clients and employees anywhere at any time.
Why is this change important to for-purpose organisations?
This trend is inevitable and vital to for-purpose organisations that often ramp up for major events and projects by using independent contractors, part-time staff and casual employees. Offering more flexibility can also help for-purpose organisations compete with the private sector for staff.
So how do you make this growing trend work for your organisation? What are the key challenges? How can you establish healthy and productive relationships with workers you rarely see?

In this 60-minute webinar you will learn:

  • the pros and cons of being a more flexible employer of independent contractors and less-traditional employees
  • ways to make the most of relationships with agile and mobile workers
  • how not to trip over the legal and tax lines that define different working relationships
  • our experienced contractors’ list of best and worst things that clients do
  • how an innovative organisation stays connected to its flexible employees and contractors in 17 countries.



Pam Kershaw, Jennifer Hart & James Law

Pam Kershaw, Jennifer Hart & James Law

James Law James has worked at some of Australia's leading online businesses such as, and He is now plying his trade at Envato where he tries to support the brilliant creative minds that pull together one of the leading digital marketplaces in the world. For the past two years, Envato was named as one of Australia’s Best Places to Work. James’s people philosophy is based on finding fantastic people, helping teams work together better and then getting out of the way.

Pam Kershaw Pam Kershaw has spent her working life as a journalist, copywriter, public relations consultant and freelance corporate writer. She launched her own business about 30 years ago and has written for corporates large and small, and a number of not for profits. Pam can be found at her home office writing materials ranging from newsletters and case studies to web content, from annual reports to submissions and award entries. A couple of critics usually make themselves at home on her desk: domestic moggies named Daisy and Marigold.

Jennifer Hart Director, Employer Obligations, Small Business Individual Taxpayers, Australian Tax Office Jennifer Hart is a director in the Australian Taxation Office. She is responsible for providing advice in relation to Pay As You Go withholding, Taxable Payments Reporting and employer obligations more generally. Her career in the ATO includes senior positions in Small Business, GST and Policy Development.
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