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Social Media and NFPs | Legal tips to keep you safe

Date: 17 September 2015 at 04:00 am Presenter: Sara Delpopolo Run time: 60 Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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So you are using social media but you want to know how your organisation can use these platforms to get your message out without facing legal backlash.

Are you dealing with sensitive issues which generate public sympathy, support and publicity? Do you want to give your beneficiaries or volunteers a voice on social media? 

In this webinar, Sara Delpopolo will help you to understand the most common and yet often undermanaged legal issues in social media which will help promote your cause, protect your organisation and prevent sticky situations.

Key features

  1. The public, staff and volunteers: what do you need to think about when engaging them and when promoting your organisation on social media? Terms you should have!
  2. Consumer Laws: misleading and deceptive conduct; copyright & branding
  3. Defamation & Privacy


Sara Delpopolo

Sara Delpopolo

Sara is the founding Principal of Axis Legal, with over 15 years of experience in IP, digital and media law. Acting in the first Spam Federal Court case in Australia in 2009. She is regularly called upon by the media to provide expert legal commentary on social media issues.Sara is the founding Principal of Axis Legal, with over 15 years of experience in IP, digital and media law. Acting in the first Spam Federal Court case in Australia in 2009. She is regularly called upon by the media to provide expert legal commentary on social media issues.

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