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The Art of Storytelling: 10 must haves to create a compelling story.

Date: 19 June 2014 at 04:00 am Presenter: Jon Yeo Run time: 60 Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Have you ever watched someone tell a story and immediately wanted to support them, get involved or share it with someone else?
Our next Executive Webinar presenter, Jon Yeo, understands that storytelling is more than having a yarn, and is equally important during ‘good’ times, not just the ‘bad’. In fact, he is so passionate about the power of storytelling and sharing ideas he took over the TEDx Melbourne licence so that people have an audience to spread their message!
So if you want to learn 10 skills that will allow you to use storytelling to:
  • Build engagement in your organisation
  • Add different dimensions to your brand
  • Increase customer or stakeholder loyalty…
then this is a must-attend event.
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who wants to be able to create a compelling story and get their listeners’ attention.  This includes CEOs, Board Members, Managers, Fundraisers and anyone else who has a story they would like to share.


Jon Yeo

Jon Yeo

Jon Yeo is a business coach and consultant focusing on productivity, engagement and creating mutually beneficial partnerships.

In particular, Jon is interested in addressing the needs and values of future generations who focus on Corporate Social Responsibility, sustainability and business with purpose.

Since 2009, Jon Yeo has been the volunteer curator and license holder for TEDxMelbourne, regarded internationally as one of the leading events of its type.

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