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Understanding the Philanthropic Sector

Date: 26 July 2018 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Liz Gillies Run time: 60 minutes Location: Online Live Tickets: $55 – $500 (in AUD)

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Philanthropy is an important catalyst for social change, and plays a pivotal role in supporting communities and ameliorating disadvantage. But in common with all sectors, it is facing unprecedented challenges – the pace of change in a digital worldentrenched disadvantageglobal disruptions and the capacity of stakeholders to support innovation collaboratively. Core to these challenges is the relationship between philanthropy and the not-for-profits who seek funding to support their work.

This session will see the current state of play in the Australian philanthropy sector outlined, using findings from the recently published Philanthropy: Towards a Better Practice Model report.

Join this 60-minute webinar to gain a comprehensive understanding of:

  • the challenges of the current practice model of philanthropy in Australia
  • the relationship between philanthropy and not-for-profits
  • the disconnect in perceptions between grant makers and grant seekers

The report identifies significant challenges and opportunities for change that will build towards a better practice model and the increased impact of philanthropy in Australia.

Post Webinar Pack: 

Can’t make the date? No worries! All registered participants will be sent a post webinar pack. The packs include the audio and visual recordings, slide deck, and (if purchased) the webinar book. The webinar book includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.

Liz Gillies

Liz Gillies

Liz Gillies has over 20 years’ experience in a range of fields that compliment working for social impact. Liz joined the Melbourne Business School in 2009 and was instrumental in establishing the Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre and The Centre for Ethical Leadership. In 2011 she was selected to lead a three year research partnership between Melbourne Business School and the Trust Company which focused on strategic philanthropy and culminated in the release of this Report. In 2018, Liz was appointed CEO of the Menzies Foundation, a philanthropic foundation focused on supporting entrepreneurship in science, school leadership and Australia’s capacity to engage with complex global issues. In 2018, Liz was appointed an Honorary Fellow, Faculty of Business & Economics, University of Melbourne.
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