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Tag : Accountancy

International Financial Reporting Standards for NFPs?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  A UK-based accountancy body has published the first international study into financial reporting for Not for Profit organisations, including Australia. The study, by the Consultative…

Charities’ Accounting Can Disguise True Costs – CHOICE Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th April 2008 -  A study by consumer advocate group CHOICE has found accounting systems for charities are wanting and can make fundraising costs seem lower than they really are so it appears a higher…

Guide to Improving NFP Annual Reporting

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th July 2007 -  The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) has released a report aimed at helping charitable and sporting Not for Profits improve their annual reporting standards.…

Vic Govt Reviews NFP Regulations & Reporting Requirements

Staff Reporter, Monday, 26th March 2007 -  The Victorian Government has begun a review of the impact of regulation and other reporting requirements on the Not for Profit Sector. The review will be carried out by the State Services…

Checklist for NFP Reporting

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 13th July 2005 -  The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) has prepared a checklist for Not for Profit organisations to help in preparing their annual reports. The checklist is…

Community Auditing Project

Staff Reporter, Monday, 7th March 2005 -  A Not for Profit funded by the NSW Government to provide management support and training for other community organisations is branching out to offer auditing and financial review…

NFP Reports Need To Satisfy Key Stakeholders- ICAA

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 19th June 2003 -  A review by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) has revealed the Not for Profit sector needs to adopt a tailored financial reporting framework that better…

NFP Reports Need To Satisfy Key Stakeholders- ICAA

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th June 2003 -  A review by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICAA) has revealed the Not for Profit sector needs to adopt a tailored financial reporting framework that better…

Social Accounting

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th April 2002 -  The State Chamber of Commerce NSW has commissioned the Australian
Institute of Corporate Citizenship (AICC) to undertake research for the Chamber’s forthcoming Common…

Accountants Match-Up with Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Monday, 22nd January 2001 -  Pro Bono Australia and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia have joined forces to set up a Skilled Volunteer Matching Program. A Victorian Pilot Scheme is already…

Australian Researcher at US Conference

Staff Reporter, Monday, 23rd October 2000 -  When ANU researcher Natalie Buckmaster delivers her paper to the annual conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organisations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) in…

GST Help for Community Sector

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th August 2000 -  The Australian Tax office has announced phase two of its ‘help’ packages for the community, volunteer and cultural sector under the new tax system. The chairman of the New tax System…
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