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Tag : ACSA

New Study into Residential Care Costs

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th August 2017 -  The Turnbull government has announced a new study into the comparative costs of providing residential aged care to older Australians. The Minister for Aged Care Ken Wyatt described

Calls For a National Plan to Address Elder Abuse and Neglect

Rachel McFadden, Thursday, 15th June 2017 -  A landmark report calling for the establishment of a national plan to combat and prevent the abuse and mistreatment of elderly Australians has been welcomed by the social sector.…

Celebrating Excellence in Aged Care

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 13th June 2017 -  Not-for-profit aged care providers and individuals working in aged and community care have been celebrated in Western Australia. Australia’s peak not-for-profit aged care industry

Aged Care Peak Body Restructures

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 24th March 2016 -  Long standing disquiet among state and federal aged care peak bodies has come to a head with the restructuring of the federated Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) organisation

Mixed Response from Aged Care Sector

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 14th May 2014 -  Aged care groups have had a mixed response to the Federal Budget, with the spotlight cast on everyday living expenses for older Australians and the redirection of funds to support…

General Cosgrove Chairs New Aged-Care Peak Body

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 22nd May 2012 - 
General Peter Cosgrove has been appointed Chair of LASA. Photo: The former Chief of the Defence Force and 2011 Australian of the Year, General Peter Cosgrove, has…


The Meaning of Purpose in the Aged Care Sector

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 16th May 2012 -  What is the meaning of ‘purpose’ for faith based, community and charitable providers in the aged care sector, asks the new CEO of the Aged and Community Services Australia

Not for Profit Sector Welcomes Aged Care Overhaul

Staff Reporter, Friday, 20th April 2012 -  Not for Profit organisations around the country have welcomed the Gillard Government’s announcement to overhaul Australia’s aged care system. The response from…

Break-Away Aged Care Groups Forms New National Body

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th March 2012 -  Two state-based aged care representative bodies, Victoria and Queensland, have withdrawn from the national peak body ACSA (Aged and Community Services Australia) to form a new…

Aged Care National Peak Body Appoints New CEO

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th March 2012 -  The Chairman of UnitingCare Ageing (NSW.ACT), Adjunct Professor, John Kelly has been appointed the new CEO of the national peak body peak of Not for Profit aged care providers, ACSA…

Aged Care Peak Body Merger Fails

Staff Reporter, Friday, 10th February 2012 -  Less than a year after the national peak body for Not for Profit aged care providers Aged and Community Services Australia announced its plans to merge with the for-profit Aged Care…

Single Voice for Aged Care Providers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th July 2011 -  The national peak body for Not for Profit aged care providers, Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA) has announced plans to pursue a merger with the for-profit peak, Aged Care…
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