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Tag : Adrienne Picone

Peak body says payments could undermine Australia’s volunteering culture

Luke Michael, Thursday, 23rd January 2020 -  Volunteering Australia says the bushfire crisis has raised important issues about the nature of the nation’s volunteer workforce Australia’s peak volunteering body is warning

Aussie companies urged to get more employees volunteering

Luke Michael, Friday, 19th July 2019 -  The time corporates spend volunteering has not seen significant growth over the past decade despite increasing recognition of the value to employees and businesses, a new report

Reflecting on the voluntary workforce this National Volunteer Week

Adrienne Picone, Thursday, 23rd May 2019 -  To mark National Volunteer Week, Volunteering Australia CEO Adrienne Picone explains the need for improved data collection that includes all forms of volunteering, to gain a better

Predictions for 2019: Volunteering

Adrienne Picone, Thursday, 17th January 2019 -  This year marks 30 years since volunteering was formally recognised during National Volunteer Week. It’s time to turn our attention to ensuring the volunteer sector is adequately

Volunteering Australia Calls for Survey Responses

Paul Carter, Thursday, 19th July 2018 -  Volunteering Australia is urging people to complete its anonymous online survey to help optimise its role as the national peak body for volunteering, working to advance volunteering

Support Services At The Core of Volunteering

Wendy Williams, Friday, 22nd June 2018 -  Place-based services, such as Volunteering Support Services, provide the critical infrastructure required for safe, effective and sustainable volunteering, according to a

Ignite, Invigorate, and Inspire Volunteering

Contributor, Thursday, 7th June 2018 -  Volunteers and the organisations that support them are the lifeblood of the Australian community, writes Volunteering Australia ahead of the 2018 National Volunteering Conference.

Justice Connect Set to Develop National Guide for Volunteering

Luke Michael, Friday, 25th May 2018 -  Charity legal service Justice Connect will use a $250,000 government grant to produce a National Guide for Volunteering, containing legal resources to assist not for profits with

‘Selfie Generation’ Most Likely to Volunteer

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 29th March 2018 -  Millennials and Gen Z are the demographic most likely to volunteer with a community organisation, according to new research. A report, released by NRMA Insurance, found that the


Predictions for 2018: Volunteering

Adrienne Picone, Monday, 5th February 2018 -  2018 will be a busy year for the volunteering sector, writes Volunteering Australia CEO Adrienne Picone, as part of a series of 2018 predictions from leading experts across the social


Value Enabled by Volunteers, Extends to the Sector and Requires Investment

Adrienne Picone, Tuesday, 5th December 2017 -  In the face of a national decrease in formal volunteer participation, coupled with an increase in the demand for services that volunteers provide, now is the time to increase the investment

Moves to Stop Volunteering at Overseas Orphanages

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 13th September 2017 -  The push to stop Australians supporting and volunteering at overseas orphanages is gathering momentum, after a major volunteer travel company agreed to end its association with
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