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Tag : Aged-care and health services

The Intersection of Health and Social Care Values, and Diversity Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) in Choosing Workplaces

Jenny Rosser, Friday, 13th September 2024 -    Diversity is having lots of different people in the room. Equity is where everyone has access to the same opportunities. Inclusion is being invited to take a seat at the table.…

5 Trends Influencing Hiring Recruitment Strategies Within Health Organisations

Johnson Recruitment, Wednesday, 17th January 2024 -    From a recruitment perspective, for health services to stay relevant and cutting edge in order to continue to provide high quality care outcomes, a new pool of professionals…

Policy Paper Calls for Ethnic Specific Aged-care Services

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th April 2014 -  A policy discussion paper, by the Ethnic Communities’ Council of  Victoria, calls on the Federal and State Governments and the aged-care sector to strengthen their…
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