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Tag : Alan Greig

Crowd-Sourced Equity Funding Could Help Grow the Social Enterprise Sector

Luke Michael, Monday, 22nd January 2018 -  Crowd-sourced equity funding could “unlock a whole bunch of opportunities” for the community sector in Australia and would remove barriers to growth in the social enterprise scene,


Ownership & Creativity at Work – Generating Innovation in the Social Sector

Alan Greig, Wednesday, 13th January 2016 -  Innovation in the social sector is more likely to succeed if it is part of a larger program of organisational reform, writes Alan Greig from Employee Ownership Australia Ltd. At the…

Merging Not the Only Option for NFPs

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 23rd September 2015 -  Australian Not for Profits should consider the formation of enterprise cooperatives as a viable alternative to the more difficult process of mergers, according to industry experts.…


Community Shares Funding Social Enterprise

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 26th August 2015 -  The rise of community investment initiatives will change the face of impact investing in Australia and provide a new avenue for community based growth capital for social enterprise,

Community Investors are the Original ‘Impact Investors’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th June 2012 -  “Community investment” and its renewed growth in Australia is an area of “impact investment” that appears to be overlooked in new research by the Federal…
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