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Tag : ALP

Charities, power and politics

David Crosbie, Thursday, 8th April 2021 -  If we are to build the kind of Australia we want to live in, it is now, during the lead up to the next election that charities need to be actively advocating for themselves, their causes

Why a post-COVID housing investment ‘makes perfect sense’ for governments

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 13th May 2020 -  Labor wants to ensure affordable housing is available for the nation’s frontline workers Housing advocates have backed calls from the ALP to create a National Housing Stimulus

Senate Inquiry into Centrelink’s Auto-Debt Recovery System

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 9th February 2017 -  The Greens and Labor have secured support for a Senate inquiry into the government’s controversial Centrelink automated debt recovery system. “The automated debt recovery system

Vic Government to Deliver ‘Historic’ Homelessness Package

Lina Caneva, Sunday, 13th November 2016 -  The Victorian government will provide more than $109 million in a new housing package, described as the biggest ever response to homelessness in the state’s history. Premier Daniel…

Renewable Projects to Turbo-Charge Innovation – NFP

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 2nd June 2016 -    Energy sector Not for Profit, Community Power Agency (CPA) has welcomed the ALP’s re-commitment to spend almost $100 million on creating up to 10 community power hubs saying

No NFP Rep on Audit Commission – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th February 2014 -  Welfare peak body, ACOSS has criticised the Federal Government’s Commission of Audit for not appointing a representative of the community sector to be part of the inquiry.…

Labor Fringe Festival – Put Your Cause in the Spotlight

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 21st July 2011 -  Not for Profits can push their cause at the 2011 Australian Labor Party National Conference by taking part in the Labor Fringe Festival. The Fringe Festival program,an integrated…

All Parties Commit To Examining a National Disability Insurance Scheme

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th August 2010 -  All three major parties have confirmed they will commit to examining major reform of the disability sector if elected in the August 21 poll, including supporting the introduction…

New Job Search Penalties Harsh – ACOSS

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 12th August 2010 -  Peak welfare body, ACOSS has welcomed the ALP’s policy announcement of workforce relocation incentives, but is concerned that new penalty measures for jobseekers will cause…

Parties Wrong on Welfare Quarantining – Welfare Rights Centre

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th July 2010 -  The ALP and the Coalition need to re-think their support for income management and develop workable policies to lift Australians out of welfare and into employment, according to…
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