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Tag : Anglicare

Affordable housing crisis forcing older renters into aged care

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Tuesday, 13th September 2022 -  The nation’s housing crisis is impeding the ability of older Australian renters to secure appropriate housing, a new report reveals. Australia’s housing affordability is in crisis

Many Aussies struggling to survive on insecure income

Luke Michael, Monday, 26th July 2021 -  Welfare groups believe things will only get worse amid ongoing lockdowns  Charities warn that people with insecure work are falling through the cracks of the social security system,

‘It’s incalculable cruelty’: Charities say $25 a week JobSeeker increase is deeply inadequate

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 23rd February 2021 -  “This rate is far too low, and we will see the continuing impacts of this on rates of disadvantage, poverty and homelessness in Australia” The community sector has severely condemned

JobSeeker boost hasn’t impacted the rates of people seeking work, economists say

Luke Michael, Friday, 27th November 2020 -  Community groups are strongly opposed to the government’s planned cuts to the JobSeeker payment               The higher rate of JobSeeker during the coronavirus pandemic has

Anti-poverty advocates slam ‘cruel’ welfare cuts

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 10th November 2020 -  Prime Minister Scott Morrison says keeping the current supplement rate would “hold Australia back”    Community groups are dismayed by the federal government’s decision to slash

ACOSS report uncovers rampant inequality in Australia pre-COVID

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 2nd September 2020 -  Charities say the data highlights the need to improve the nation’s welfare safety net The top 20 per cent of Australian households have 90 times the wealth of the bottom 20 per

Rental affordability crisis worsens for low-income Aussies

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 1st September 2020 -  Anglicare says with many renters out of work, the temporary JobSeeker boost is the only thing keeping a roof over people’s head      New research shows that rental affordability

Charity sector calls for JobSeeker to be raised permanently

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 14th July 2020 -  Anti-poverty advocates say that welfare payments must be raised above the poverty line, following new survey findings  Failing to permanently raise the JobSeeker payment would

Fears welfare card holders could be left high and dry in bushfires

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 13th January 2020 -  Welfare groups are calling for the cashless welfare card to be suspended during the bushfires  The frequent power outages across bushfire affected areas have seen residents rushing

Mental health system failing vulnerable Aussies

Luke Michael, Friday, 1st November 2019 -  The Productivity Commission estimates mental illness and suicide is costing Australia up to $180 billion a year  Up to one million Australians are not getting the help they need for

‘A dark day for WA’: New gambling laws prompt fears of a pathway to the pokies

Wendy Williams, Monday, 9th September 2019 -  Community organisations in WA have been left bitterly disappointed after the state’s virtual gaming machine ban was relaxed to allow punters to bet on virtual racing machines. The


A cynical exercise in vote buying, or blue sky thinking?

Kasy Chambers, Wednesday, 3rd April 2019 -  On either reading, the federal budget has been disappointing, writes Anglicare Australia executive director Kasy Chambers. The announcement of the federal election is expected
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