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Tag : Appeals

‘We know it’s bullsh*t’: Advocates say independent assessments will be a disaster for NDIS participants

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 2nd March 2021 -  “These changes have a real danger of changing the nature of the NDIS and the idea of what the NDIS was intentionally meant to be”  With independent assessments soon to become compulsory

Fundraising efforts must continue

Katherine Raskob, Thursday, 16th January 2020 -  There are no limits to Australian generosity. While our hearts go out to those impacted by these terrible bushfires, fundraisers should not put off their appeals – we must still think

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirms less than 2% of NDIS decisions appealed by participants

Geoff Southwell, Tuesday, 15th October 2019 -  With over 90 per cent of appeal cases potentially subject to undue influence by the NDIA – the very body whose actions are being questioned in the AAT – it is not clear that the NDIS appeals

Advocacy groups struggle amid growing NDIS waiting lists

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 20th March 2019 -  Advocacy services are being swamped with people needing help appealing their National Disability Insurance Scheme plans, disability groups have warned in the wake of new funding
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