Pro Bono Australia's Ethical Guide to Christmas 2011

8 December 2011 at 11:20 am
With Christmas only weeks away, Pro Bono Australia again presents its Ethical Christmas Guide, highlighting what charities across the country have on offer and providing a way for Australians to support the Not for Profit sector when making their Christmas purchases.
2011 has been a big year for ethical consumption, highlighted by the ‘Occupy Wall St’ movement which filled city streets and squares around the world and questioned the role of greed in modern capitalist society.
Australians are expected to spend $27.4 billion this Christmas, with the average shopper spending more than $1,200, according to a report by market research group IBISWorld. More than $1 billion in unwanted presents are received by Australians each Christmas season, according to research by Ebay.
But Christmas isn’t just about tinsel, gift wrapped packages and backyard cricket. Even for non-Christians, the meaning and message behind the most celebrated holiday is about celebrating what is important and what gives meaning to our lives.
The Christmas giving period is increasingly important for the Australian Not for Profit sector. Many organisations run Christmas Appeals to help the marginalised and vulnerable over the Christmas period, while others look to engage in the Christmas marketplace as a way of raising much needed funds for their organisation.
Andrew Thomas, General Manager of Philanthropy at Perpetual – one of the largest managers of private charitable foundations in Australia – says some extra thought can add significantly more to the gift you give.
Altruism at Christmas often means hampers for the poor, presents for needy children, and gifts certificates for goats and chickens to help communities in developing countries. But Mr Thomas says, while all these activities are worthy, the difference between a one-off donation and a planned giving program is enormous.
“More and more people are setting up sustainable giving structures that provide consistent funding on an ongoing basis. Rather than making a one-off donation at Christmas time, they are putting more thought into what cause they choose to support and how their money will be best used over a longer period of time,” said Mr Thomas.
“The planned giving approach ensures funds for your selected charitable organisation are readily available when they need it – and most organisations need help throughout the year, not just at Christmas,” he said.
“At Christmas, when the spirit of giving is most present, Australians should be looking at ways they can make their charitable donations last longer and have greater impact. Sustainable giving that makes a lasting difference should be the ultimate goal.”
So if you want to opt-out of the commercialisation of Christmas, but still want to give gifts to loved ones, check out our guide to ethical giving.
The Ethical Giving Guide contains an example of what Australian Not for Profit organisations are doing this Christmas, whether it be offering ethically-sourced gifts and cards with proceeds benefiting worthy causes, or running Christmas appeals to benefit people at risk this festive season.
Or you can visit Pro Bono Australia’s ‘Guide to Giving’, which features more than 600 Not for Profit organisations. And if this still isn’t enough, check out Deanna Howland’s Guide to Ethical Shopping.
No matter what you believe in, there is an organisation you can support this Christmas.
Karma Currency Foundation – Charity Gift Cards
Sending Charitable Christmas gifts to family and friends, staff and customers is a great thing to do. But with so many worthy charities out there, how do you choose just one? And how do you know that the recipient will appreciate your choice? Well now the choice is easy. With a Charity Gift Card your lucky recipient will be empowered to choose the charities they wish to support. And with 100s of charities and 1000s of ethical projects to choose from, there's something for everyone. The giving process is simple.
1. You choose how you would like your Christmas card delivered (via email, print, post or ‘do it your own way’).
2. You choose the amount you would like to donate per card (from $2 to $100,000).
3. You personalise the charity cards by adding your own unique message and if you wish, your company logo or image.
And the redemption is as easy as A,B,C.
A) Your lucky recipient enters their unique karma code on the website
B) They get to choose the charities and projects that matter the most to them.
C) And they get to Save the World.
To order your cards today please click here –
All donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.
ADRA Australia’s Give Life Christmas!
Each Christmas, ADRA Australia challenges others to look beyond the superficial during a silly season focused on self.
Toys! Socks! Food! It seems everything about Christmas is done in excess. We eat until we’re so full we could explode, we get presents we don’t even need, and amongst all of this is the story of the ultimate sacrifice.
As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, we are reminded there really is a reason to celebrate – and it’s not about food or toys. Jesus’ life and mission was all about serving others, and ADRA Australia feels Christmas is the perfect time, while acknowledging His birth, to continue Jesus’ desire to help those in need.
So, how can we turn this expensive, excessive, extravagant holiday into something meaningful?
What if, instead of purchasing another boring pair of socks for someone, you gave them a life-changing present? Something like emergency food or water which will save lives in the Horn of Africa? Or give a family in Africa or Asia some chickens, which will mean they will the chance to start a chicken farming business, giving them income and a chance to provide for their family.
Now, that would be a Christmas gift to remember.
When you purchase a gift we will you a gift tag that you can pass along to a friend or family member, or hang it on your tree to remind you of the life-changing difference you made this Christmas.
$12 – socks or lifesaving food? You decide.
To purchase an amazing Christmas present, one that will keep on giving, please visit or call 1800 24 ADRA.
Christmas holds a special place in many people’s hearts, regardless of their age.
It is one of the few occasions each year when the whole family comes together. The weeks leading up to Christmas are marked with anticipation and excitement. Christmas Day is filled with laughter, gift giving and a family meal.
For others, however, Christmas may be very different.
This Christmas, take a moment to think about families who will spend the season with a loved one who is receiving palliative care.
While the festive spirit spreads throughout the country, families will be making important decisions about the care and comfort of a loved one. For them, Christmas will be shared with the caring staff of Blue Care’s palliative care teams.
Thankfully, Blue Care team members across Queensland and northern New South Wales are providing specialist nursing care and support for people with life-threatening illnesses, in their own homes and in our residential aged care facilities.
Our palliative care professionals are trained to assist with pain management, emotional and spiritual support and guidance, and to act as a liaison between clients, hospitals and doctors.
For some clients these services are the difference between spending Christmas at home, or in hospital.
A donation from you this Christmas will help us give the gift of precious memories to families in need.
Please visit or phone 1800 001 953 to make a donation.
Connections UnitingCare Christmas Food & Gift Appeal
Connections UnitingCare is asking the local members of the community to make a connection with their community in need this Christmas.
The Connections Christmas Food & Gift Appeal supports many disadvantaged children, young people and their families who would otherwise struggle during the festive season.
In 2010 the appeal supplied over 3000 gifts and 500 large food hampers. Now in its 11th year, this appeal is our largest with more families needing our help on a daily basis. We cannot meet this demand without support.
One client who received a gift for both her and her daughter, commented:
‘Thankyou so very much for our Christmas hamper and the beautifully picked presents for Rosie, [her 4 year old daughter] she went through the hamper first and then played with new dolls all night and even gave them their first bath. It meant a lot.’
How can you support Connections this Christmas?
We are in desperate need of non-perishable food items; such as rice, pasta, pasta sauce, tuna, coffee, tea and festive treats. We also require gifts suitable for newborns and teenagers of both genders.
Buy a Connections Christmas Card featuring a unique design generously donated by world-renowned picture book creator Graeme Base with thanks to Penguin Group (Australia). You can purchase cards as per the order form or we can also organise over-printing if you have a business or organisational logo that you'd like to include with your personalised message. Click here to download your Connections Christmas Card Order form.
For more information visit
foodwatershelter (fws), is an Australian, Not for Profit, non-denominational, non-governmental organisation that builds and runs eco-friendly children's villages with education, social and health facilities for children in developing countries.
2012 foodwatershelter CALENDARS!
The new 2012 foodwatershelter calendars are available for sale for only $20, making the perfect gift this Christmas! In fact the more you buy the cheaper they get: $20 for one, $17.50 each for 2-4 and $15 each for 5 or more.
Featuring beautiful photography from the first fws community, ‘Kesho Leo’ (Tanzania), all proceeds from calendars sales go towards building more big bright futures! The calendars truly are a celebration of the difference fws are making to the lives of people living in Kesho Leo and the surrounding community.
Delivered to you wrapped in biodegradable plastic, each gorgeous A4 page is printed on recycled paper and each month has a full page of dates and a notes section – plenty of room to jot down all the important stuff.
Purchase a calendar today and every day in 2012 you will be reminded of your contribution to Kesho Leo Children’s Village.
Simply visit to purchase your calendar today!
foodwatershelter SHOPPING LIST!
fws has a range of items required to run or further enhance the facilities and programs at Kesho Leo which can be ‘purchased’ from the fws Shopping List from as little as $5. Purchases from the Shopping List are Australian tax deductible, plus all purchases for December receive a beautiful hand-written thank you card.
Below are a few examples of what you can purchase/contribute towards, or visit our website for the full list!
- Preschool Scholarships
- School Supplies
- Floor Covering
- Livestock
- Chicken Coop
- Children’s Playground
- Tanzanian workers (social welfare, farm workers, builders and security)
To go shopping, simply visit
Gene Ethics: Working for GM-Free Foods
As you prepare to enjoy good, safe food this New Year, think of Gene Ethics. We are your grassroots think tank, advocacy and action group for safe, sustainable, secure food and seeds – made without the use of genetic manipulation (GM), irradiation or nanomaterials. Your gifts keep Gene Ethics working for you. Our advocacy for safe GM-free crops and foods is influential.
Food security for all Australians is achievable but must not be taken for granted. With the end of oil and phosphates looming, scarce water and soil resources, and global climate change, industrial agriculture must evolve, and fast. Replacing chemical/industrial cropping with ecological farming systems based on healthy soils must be a national and global goal.
The cruelest lie about GM crops and foods is that they are needed to 'feed the world', though they yield less. And the UN confirms there is enough food for 12 billion people right now. It is unacceptable that one billion people starve because of unfair trade, speculation and social conflicts. But GM technology cannot right these injustices. False GM industry promises divert resources from creating the sustainable, ecological farming and food systems that are needed to permanently feed, house and clothe everyone well.
Despite the $45 billion spent over 30 years on GM crop research, plants with increased yield, drought and salt-tolerance, enhanced nutrition and longer shelf life do not exist. Instead, commercial GM techniques are used to create crops that require more frequent doses of toxic chemicals. Some GM foods also pose risks to human and animal health.
The Gene Ethics team looks forward to working with you in 2012, for the safe GM-free and secure farms and foods we all want. Bon appetit!!
For more information or to make a gift to Gene Ethics, please local call 1300 133 868, email or go to
Health Australia & Tanzania (HAT) Inc.
While we all enjoy giving our loved ones gifts at Christmas time, they are often placed on a pile with all the other unwanted goods exchanged on Christmas day. This Christmas, rather than giving to someone who already has lots, why not consider giving to those less fortunate? After all, don’t we already have enough stuff cluttering our homes?
If you answered ‘yes’ to the above question then perhaps you should consider the following……..
Instead of spending your money on consumer goods, why not help vulnerable Tanzanians by making a donation to Health Australia & Tanzania (HAT) Inc. HAT strives to improve the health of rural Tanzanians through community-initiated development projects that provide access to health related facilities and information. We are currently in need of donations to fund the construction of latrines, improve water supply systems and implement hygiene and health education at a primary school in Sogea village Dodoma. This project will help reduce the spread of disease and improve the quality of life for the students and their families.
If you would like to spare your loved ones another unwanted gift and help the children of Sogea village, please log onto the HAT website and make your donation today. To request a receipt (which can be included in a card to your loved one), please email our Treasurer Giving to those who really need it is what Christmas is all about!
By donating to HAT you are helping support life-changing work in Tanzania.
Opportunity International Australia – Duck’ the halls this Christmas
A cute piglet or month’s worth of buffalo feed might not be the most obvious ideas that spring to mind when thinking of what to get friends and family for Christmas, but Opportunity invites you to ask yourself “Why give a pair of paisley socks when I could give 220 festive fluffy ducks?” Something Bigger is Opportunity’s charity gift catalogue, offering fun and meaningful Christmas gifts for family and friends, ranging in price from $36. Each tax-deductible gift is used to help us provide microfinance loans and support to people living in poverty in developing countries, allowing them start a small business and earn a regular income. With approximately two in every five people worldwide this Christmas living on less than US$2 a day, we don’t think you can give something bigger than that! Visit to choose your gifts today!
Gift examples: 220 ducklings = $36, Piglet = $55, Vegetable farm = $96, Fishing boat = $321
Support CanTeen this Christmas
Christmas should be a time for celebrating with loved ones but instead, thousands of young people are dealing with the loss of a beloved parent or sibling to cancer. For a young person, trying to understand and cope with the death of a parent or sibling from cancer is one of the most traumatic things they will ever have to do. Nothing can prepare them for the feelings of loss, disbelief, shock, emptiness and even denial they may experience.
CanTeen is the Australian organisation that supports, develops and empowers young people 12-24 living with cancer. We provide a safe place where young people can learn how to deal with the emotional, physical and practical issues of living with cancer and take back control of their lives.
Our aim is that all young people affected by cancer experience optimal wellbeing and resilience throughout their cancer journey.
This Christmas we are aiming to raise $152,575. These much needed funds will allow us to continue to provide free programs, services and resources to ensure no young person has to face cancer alone.
Ways you can help:
- To make a cash donation to our Christmas Appeal and to read about Michael, an 18 year old Bereaved Offspring Member, click here.
- Host a Raffle with a Christmas hamper as a prize, click here.
- Give the best gift this Christmas with our CanTeen Wish List, click here.
- Or see our Festive Fundraising ideas, click here.
For more information on CanTeen, visit
Ability Options Wholesale Nursery
If you’re looking for a Christmas present with a lasting impact, or want to spruce up your garden in time for the silly season, why not consider purchasing some potted colour, perennials, herbs, vegetables or hedge lines from Ability Options Wholesale Nursery’s extensive range. An Australian Disability Enterprise, Ability Options Wholesale Nursery provides employment and training opportunities to people with disability, producing more than 500 varieties of plants that are available from all major quality retail nurseries (including Bunnings) throughout metropolitan Sydney and surrounding regions.
The nursery, based at St Clair in Sydney, is well-known for the outstanding quality of its plants and is a supplier of choice for many landscapers and public gardens. The nursery also supports school programs and community activities and with the assistance of recent government grants, is now fully water sustainable.
The nursery will also be selling plants direct to the public at wholesale prices during a special open day on Saturday 17th December from 8am-2pm.
By purchasing Ability Options Wholesale Nursery’s plants you’ll be helping to grow opportunities for people with disabilities!
Ability Options Wholesale Nursery
279-295 Mamre Rd, St Clair
Ph (02) 9670 2097
Compassion Australia – Gifts of Compassion
Give a Gift of Compassion and you’ll give two—one for a friend, and one for a child too! This Christmas instead of giving more “stuff”, consider a gift that can mean even more to your friends and family, while at the same time assisting those who have far less than they need.
The Gifts of Compassion catalogue includes a range of gifts for friends or family members that also help children and families in developing countries. A Gift of Compassion comes with a card for the person the gift is for, which notifies them that a gift has been given in their honour. Funds raised are used for Compassion’s Critical Interventions, which are represented by the gifts and could include health and hygiene improvement through building toilets, income generation activities through livestock or malaria prevention through mosquito nets and much more!
Check out for gifts guaranteed to never be broken, shelved, or re-gifted!
We at International Needs Australia, a non-profit humanitarian aid organisation are committed to the creation of a just world, where all people are allowed respect, dignity and the opportunity to fulfil their life's potential. Our goal is to contribute to the alleviation of poverty in partner countries through effective Community Development.
Now that Christmas has finally arrived, we would like to celebrate the launch of our brand new 2011/2012 Gift Catalogue! Why not give the ultimate gift this year by choosing from our wide range of items? Prices range from $10 to $1,000, from mosquito nets, lunch boxes, and water tanks to healing surgery and counselling. There is something for everyone, and remember that your gift WILL affect the lives of others less fortunate. We're not all hard sell here – our gift shop is a not-for-profit, non-commercial initiative to raise funds for our sustainable development projects. The wonderful thing about our Christmas Catalogue is that it is available all year round, so it’s also perfect for birthdays, weddings, mothers and fathers’ days, as well as ‘in lieu of flowers’ for funerals.
The way it works is simple: 1. Choose the gift you want. 2. Choose the quantity. 3. Select your card design. 4. Click ‘purchase’ and follow the payment prompts!
Once we have received your order we will send your greeting card, as well as a fridge magnet to give to your loved one, representing the gift you have chosen. Remember that this is the ultimate gift for the 2011 Christmas season, and really does make a difference in this world! It is a small way to help those less fortunate, living thousands of miles away.
For any questions have a look at our website at, call our office on 1300 731 550, or find us on Facebook!
This Christmas make an ethical choice. Find quality fair trade gifts for family and friends.
Ethica Accessories is an initiative that provides employment and income for hundreds of women living in marginalised areas in Peru. Ethica Accessories is the trading name of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Peruvian Project Ltd, a non for profit organisation and member of Fair Trade Australia and New Zealand (FTAANZ).
Women receive training and direct payment for their work, the income is used for basic necessities such as food, medicine and education. It is a strategy for poverty alleviation and sustainable development that maintains the dignity of the women and teaches them skills for the future. Many of the women we seek out to help would be unemployed without this scheme.
The project gives women the chance to develop their skills and abilities, which in turn improves their confidence and opens doors to other opportunities and empowerment.
By simply purchasing a product from Ethica you will give these families a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2012. Any support you give will help provide day to day necessities to the women.
See the beautiful Christmas decorations they have made for you, and our whole range for that special gift, there is something for everyone.
How many lives will you change this Christmas?
With the festive season fast approaching the task of purchasing Christmas gifts for loved ones is always an exhausting task. But it doesn’t have to be.
Wesley Giftshare offers a range of Christmas gifts for your loved ones whilst helping to change the lives of many Victorians in need.
For just $20 you can give a young person living in out-of-home care a day off at the movies, a concert or even the circus. For $50 you can provide essentials such as a baby blanket, nappies and wipes for a homeless mother caring for a young child. For $65 you can purchase a Christmas Hamper for a homeless family filled with food, decorations and something from Santa for the kids as well.
For each gift that you choose, you will also receive a gift card to personalise and give to a loved one explaining how their unique gift is helping people in the Victorian community.
To change a life this Christmas, simply go to You can choose to receive a gift card or an ecard, which can be sent directly to your loved one. You will also be sent a tax deductible receipt.
For every gift you purchase from the Giftshare catalogue this Christmas, you will be changing the life of someone in need.
The Big Issue – Women’s Subscription Enterprise
Here’s a surprise for you. Inside every yearly subscription to The Big Issue Magazine you can help some of Australia’s 46,000 homeless and disadvantaged women.
Every 100 subscriptions sold helps employ one woman to sort and insert copies in the magazine distribution centre. It’s part of The Women’s Subscription Enterprise, and it gives women their own skills and career pathways to break the cycle of poverty.
As well as paid employment, the women also receive ongoing training and pathways opportunities, and the chance to develop their skills in a safe, secure and rewarding environment. And importantly, given a chance for a brighter future.
Best of all, for $155 your recipients receive a great read every fortnight over a year and you’ll get a card to give them explaining how their gift makes a real difference.
For a surprising gift order online at
The National Theatre is celebrating its 75th year of operations at the moment. As its major performance fundraiser it presents Coppelia Act 2 and Carmen at The National Theatre 9 & 10 December 7.30pm, and 10 & 11 December at 2.30pm. As always tickets are kept at a low price as follows:
- B Reserve : All tickets $15
- A Reserve Adults $35
- A Reserve Concession $30
- A Reserve Children under 15 $15
- Family Ticket $90 (2 adults 2 children)
Most years the matinees sell out. Bookings 95254611 or (no transaction fee online). The Company is an unfunded not-for-profit offering performing arts training in a hertiage community arts centre.
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service
The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is asking Australians to consider giving a Christmas gift with true meaning this year by donating blood over the festive season.
It only takes an hour to donate and potentially save three lives.
The need for blood never takes a holiday – even though many of our regular donors do – so this time of year is always a challenge for the Blood Service, because blood products have a limited shelf life.
Platelets, for example, only last 5 days, as they can’t be refrigerated. They are critical in helping blood to clot, and are needed for severe bleeding, and for cancer patients.
To make a time to donate please call 13 14 95 or visit
Why not take a group of friends, family or colleagues along and save even more lives together.
Birds Australia's 2011 Christmas Appeal
Australia’s shorebirds desperately need your support this summer. Please help us to protect these vulnerable birds, and the beaches and wetlands they call home.
Make an online donation here, or click here to download a form to fax or mail in your donation. Thank you for your support!
Architects without Frontiers Australia
Architects Without Frontiers (AWF) is a not-for-profit organisation working to connect Australian design professionals with communities in need of pro-bono design services. Our mission is to improve the living conditions of communities in need, with an emphasis on participatory, community-focussed and long-term sustainable design outcomes.
We are currently running our annual Christmas Appeal to raise money for one of our worthy projects – the Dien Ban Disability Day Care Centre. The Centre is a project that aims to support children with disability in Dien Ban (Central Vietnam). AWF have been working with local NGO the Kianh Foundation since 2007 to design a facility that would provide access to urgent health, physiotherapy and educational needs for these children.
As construction nears completion on the Centre our thoughts turn to equipment needs. The Kianh Foundation has put together a 'wish list' of urgently needed items, and with Christmas just around the corner we're putting out a special plea to our supporters to dig deep and donate.
What can your donation provide?
$25 a blanket, pillow and sheets set
$50 a set of durable, washable, hardback books
$100 a tricycle
$200 a trampoline
$500 a dental visit for all the children at the centre
$720 sponsors a child to attend a centre for one year, where they will receive:
- a specially adapted development program
- education about basic life skills and good hygiene
- a safe, clean and happy learning environment
- a highly nutritious daily meal
- transport
- access to dental care
- support and education for the family
- medical referrals
$2,700 the salary for a qualified physiotherapist or special education teacher for one year
$4,500 the meals for all the children at the centre for one year –
Start a new Christmas Tree tradition, without the pine needle mess
Do something different this Christmas. Don’t chop down a pine tree to decorate, then let it die in a couple of weeks – start a new tradition and plant native trees with Greenfleet instead!
Environmental charity Greenfleet plants native forests around Australia to help fight climate change, restore habitat for native wildlife, improve soil and water quality, and much more.
Greenfleet has a range of gifts to give your loved ones a greener festive season, including:
Vehicle Offset Gift Certificate
For $60*, Greenfleet will plant 17 Australian native trees as part of a permanent forest to help offset the greenhouse gas emissions that the recipient's car produces in one year. You’ll both get a great feeling knowing that your gift is helping the environment.
Plant a Forest – pre-paid VISA Gift Card
If you want to give someone a little spending money to go with their trees, you can try a ‘Plant a Forest’ Universal Gift Card. Each $100** gift card gives $50 to Greenfleet to plant 15 native trees and $50 spending money to your gift recipient.
Find out more about these unique gifts at
* Tax deductible donation
** A $9.95 premium is charged per card to cover carrier, message, postage and handling.
Universal VISA Gift Cards are issued by Heritage Building Society Ltd ABN 32 087 652 024 AFS licence 240 984.
Please support our commitment to asthma research. 100% of your donation goes towards our 2012 research grants.
The Asthma Foundation WA offers world leading asthma education, training and funding for medical research made possible thanks to the significant generosity shown by the West Australian community. In order for the Asthma Foundation WA to continue making a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of people with asthma in the community, more financial support is needed.
The Asthma Foundation WA has committed to funding $75,000 for asthma research projects in 2012. So far we have raised $20,000 but we still need more to reach our target. Please make a tax deductible donation to the Asthma Foundation WA’s annual Christmas Appeal and help us find a cure to what is the most common chronic disease in Australian children.
Your donation will have a significant impact on the quality of life for over 2 million Australians living with asthma.
To make a donation to the Asthma Foundation WA's 2012 Research Fund, please visit
Soapnuts are an environmentally friendly, sustainably produced, bio-degradable and compostable alternative to commercial laundry detergents.
For $20 you will receive 500gms of soapnuts, 3 small washing bags with instructions for uses.
$5 from your purchase goes to the work that MarionLIFE does to fight poverty and its causes in our community.
Grown wild in India, for centuries these nuts have been used for many purposes, from laundry to cleaning jewellery and treating contaminated soil.
Our Soapnuts are a part of our partnership with New Internationalist who import them directly from Asha Handicrafts, an Indian Fair Trade Organisation– so you have the added peace of mind knowing that your nuts have been harvested under safe and equitable conditions and that the workers are given a fair price for their work.
How do they work? Soapnut shells contain a high proportion of natural saponin. When the shells come in contact with water the saponin is released and suds are produced – just like adding normal detergents and they work in both top-loaders and front-loaders, cold or hot wash. They leave your laundry beautifully soft and fresh. There is no need to include softeners and they are especially good for colours because they don’t contain any whiteners or brighteners.
Extremely cost-effective, the 500gm bag should wash 200 loads, or 7-10 loads per week for around 6 months. The nuts can be used for 4-6 consecutive loads and then disposed of in the compost bin or spread around garden plants as mulch. And since the laundry water contains only natural ingredients, it can much more usefully be reused as grey water to reduce water consumption.
Orders can be placed by e-mailing, fax (8277 00 23) or phone (8277 03 04) and can be picked up during our office hours or by arrangement.
Parkinson’s SA is delighted to announce that one of their fundraising initiatives will be a Parkinson’s Pudding (see attach.) These puddings are not cakes and have been locally made in Adelaide, South Australia. We will be selling the puddings for $20 but if anyone would like to purchase ten or more the price is reduced to $15.
These puddings would make a great thankyou for employees, friends, family members (who would rather not cook one) and the money raised will be a huge help towards the raising of awareness of Parkinsons.
Call the Parkinson's SA Office on (08) 8357 8909 or view the Christmas fundraiser catalogue here.
Hear them Sing!
Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright"… the words of our oldest carol ring out loud and clear as the children from the "Wings of Sound" choir take centre stage.
Their angelic voices reflect the miracle of Christmas as they sing. Voices that brings smiles and tears to their families in the audience, sounds that their families never imagined they would hear.
With Christmas nearly upon us our thoughts are now turning to Christmas cards and gifts.
This year in lieu of printed or on-line Christmas cards or gifts why not donate to Hear and Say and in return give your friends and family or maybe business colleagues, partners and clients the opportunity to hear the Wings of Sound Choir sing?
Your gift is a lifelong one. You will help to give our Hear and Say children the power of speech and the ability to enjoy the sounds of the world including the joy of music. What a wonderful gift to give a child.
Below is the Wings of Sound Choir logo that you can copy and use as a part of your online Christmas message this year.
Simply hyperlink the logo using the link below so that your family and friends, business colleagues, partners or clients can hear the enchanting Wings of Sound Choir sing.
In return we would welcome a donation through the Hear and Say Christmas appeal.
World Vision – The World Vision Gifts catalogue
Every year it seems to get harder to find the right Christmas gifts for friends and loved ones and in the rush to get everything done, it’s easy to lose sight of the real meaning of Christmas giving. The World Vision Gifts catalogue makes it easy for you to choose meaningful gifts for friends and family that can also make a world of difference to children, families and communities in need.
There are 42 gift ideas in the catalogue and they range in price from just $5 to purchase the gift of pencils for school, all the way through to a donkey at $225. There are also some higher priced gifts if you want to make a bigger impact, such as the gift of clean water for a community.
When you purchase a gift from our catalogue World Vision will send you a gift card featuring a beautiful photo and description of the gift and space for you to write your own message. If you order online, you can also choose to print your own gift card or send a personalised eCard. The catalogue is available online at or to receive a catalogue by mail, please call 13 32 40.
Christmas is also an ideal time to consider sponsoring a child. Child sponsorship offers a great way to make a long-term difference to children and communities in need as funds from this program go towards development activities that bring about sustainable change. To find out more, visit
And if you are looking for a gift to wrap up for someone, how about purchasing some coffee from Ethiopia? World Vision and Jasper Coffee have formed a partnership to bring you the exquisite Yirgacheffe coffee. This organic and Fairtrade coffee is available from the World Vision and Jasper websites and in delis and organic groceries around Australia.
Alternative Technology Association
Give the Gift of Light this Christmas
Give the gift of light this Christmas! Since 2001, the Alternative Technology Association has installed solar lighting and power systems in over 1000 homes, community centres, schools, hospitals and training centres in remote villages in Timor Leste.
In 2011, a crew of 16 ATA volunteers installed solar panels for lighting and power in community centres and schools in Baguia, Same, Ainaro, and Ermera – including a large system to power a community centre in Baguia with an office, 17 laptops, sewing machines, musical instruments and other equipment for training, children’s activities and work opportunities in the local community.
Volunteers also trained a number of locals to install rooftop solar panels on homes. By the end of March 2012, these Timorese will have installed solar-powered lighting in more than 700 houses in rural areas where there is no electricity.
To support ATA’s work in East Timor give the gift of light this Christmas! Buy a solar panel for an East Timorese family or a whole solar system for $250.
- Click here to buy a solar panel for an East Timorese family $50.
- Click here a whole solar system for an East Timorese family $250.
- Click here to donate an amount of your own choosing.
Or call the ATA on (03) 9639 1500, Monday- Friday, 10am – 4pm.
You will be sent a gift card and a certificate which outlines the achievements of you present.
For more information on ATA’s work in East Timor go to:
Looking for a life-changing gift that will give a child a better future?
Since 1960 more than 4600 children in South Australia have built resilience and skills for a better future through Time for Kids.
The scale of our Christmas assistance is determined by the generosity of our supporters, and we are asking for your help to make it a happy Christmas for South Australian children doing it tough this year.
There are lots of ways you can contribute.
A Time for Kids ‘Block of Time’ is a great way to show your support for children in-need in South Australia. Each Block of Time features a doll mounted on a wooden plinth, which has been hand made by the generous men at the Eastern Region Men’s Shed. There are eight dolls to collect, each with their own story drawn from the experiences of children in our program. Donate $50 to ensure another child is matched with a mentor in 2012, and we’ll send you a Block of Time doll to say thank you, and so you can show your support for children and young people in South Australia.
For the reader on your gift list, ‘It’s about time: giving kids a break’ is full of inspiring stories from children, families and volunteers involved with Time for Kids. Written by local authors, Bunty Parsons and Di Maguire and illustrated by artwork from Time for Kids children, ‘It’s about time’ is a wonderful way to share your support for a South Aussie charity this Christmas.
You can also contribute gifts, food or funds to our Time for Kids Christmas drive. We can supply you with a flyer to display at your workplace, school or community group, or deliver a Time for Kids Giving Tree to use as a collection point for gifts.
For information, contact our office on 08 8362 6311 or email
The Best Gift of All
Christmas is all about giving, and children come to mind especially at this time of the year.
We have been thrilled to see firsthand the great change to patients which comes about through the skills of the surgical teams at the Australian Craniofacial Unit.
One in six hundred babies worldwide are born with a cleft lip and palate. This is just one of many congenital conditions which need urgent treatment so that the child can live a normal life. Years ago this was not possible. Medical teams often were not equipped to reconstruct the facial features of someone who had been sadly deformed through no fault of their own.
In 1975 Doctor David David took on the role of establishing an holistic Centre of Excellence for the treatment of such disorders where over 14,000 patients have been treated. 80% are from South Australia, 10% from interstate and 10% from overseas nations. In every case a new face and a new hope has emerged. Because the surgical requirements are unique, many phases of diagnosis (such as the creation
of 3-dimensional nylon model skulls) are not covered by Medicare or hospital insurance, and much financial hardship results for many.
The Craniofacial Foundation offers assistance to patients in need and has, for over 25 years,raised support for many desperate cases.
Your gift this Christmas will assist us in doing what we do best: giving hope and help to kids who are in need of a brighter future. Thank you.
Craniofacial Australia
PO Box 1138, North Adelaide, South Australia 5006
Ph: (08) 8267 4128 email:
Charity No: CCP653
People & Planet Social Justice and Environment Diary and Calendar:
The People & Planet Diary and Calendar are published by a partnership of 49 not-for-profit, Australian social justice and environment organisations, and raises funds for their work in creating a just, sustainable world.
The 2012 Diary and Calendar feature extraordinary photos of people and places from around the globe, selected from over 4,000 entries to the People & Planet International Photography Competition from 84 different countries. Each beautiful image is accompanied by a unique story highlighting one of the planet's social or environmental challenges.
The People & Planet Diary and Calendar also includes Australian holidays, national social and environmental awareness days, and UN international days & weeks printed throughout.
Both the calendar and the diary make wonderful Christmas gifts that are beautiful, meaningful and practical. You can purchase copies from our online shop at
Open Family Australia’s Christmas Appeal
Open Family Australia is a youth-focused organisation providing outreach support and services to at-risk and homeless young Australians. In 2010/11, Open Family Australia provided more than 15,000 episodes of support to vulnerable young people who have become disconnected from society. These young people are some of the most vulnerable and marginalised people in our community and require early intervention to help them survive this critical time in their young lives. Issues including family conflict, violence and physical and sexual abuse are all significant factors in why young people either leave home, or are forced to leave.
The core of Open Family Australia’s business is the provision of assertive outreach support and intensive case management for at-risk and homeless youth – that is we engage with young people one-on-one, on their terms and in their environment, to effectively build a trusting relationship and to connect them with other youth related services.
We are currently running our Christmas Appeal and are asking people to support in one of four ways:
- Make a one-off donation
- Make a regular monthly donation
- Purchase an item of material aid for a young person
- Hold a fundraising event
Supporting Open Family Australia’s Christmas Appeal will make a big difference in a young person’s life:
$ 25 will feed a young person on Christmas Day
$ 30 will provide a small Christmas gift for a young person
$ 50 will feed a family on Christmas Day
$ 100 will shelter a homeless young person
$ 300 will support a young person in school
$ 500 will improve a young person's wellbeing
$ 1,500 will contribute to outreach support for a young person
To donate to the Open Family Australia Christmas Appeal, click here.
The NETS Kids 2012 Calendar is on Sale Now!
To Purchase your calendar go to the Momento Shop or to donate to NETS click here.
NETS the 'Newborn & paediatric Emergency Transport Service' is a very unique organisation, one which operates within NSW and the ACT on a 'twenty four seven' basis. The service provides expert clinical advice, clinical co-ordination, stabilisation, and emergency treatment for very sick babies and children up to the age of 16 years. NETS provides peace of mind and special support for parents and family members during times of despondency and disbelief. The service takes mobile intensive care to critically ill babies and children. 'NETS is a Hospital with no Walls'.
The NETS Kids 2012 Calendar is aimed at raising funds for NETS to help maintain and replace the vital equipment the service uses on a daily basis.
The Calendar is the brain child of parent and 'Seasons in Art' Photographer, Tara Chiu, whose own son was transported by NETS in 2008 after a near fatal fall. To show her appreciation, Tara created the NETS KIDS 2011 Calendar, which featured photographs of 13 NETS patients along with a short paragraph of the child's experience with NETS. The calendar was a huge success, so Tara has now created a 2012 calendar.
This year the NETS calendar highlights the work of NETS and the impact the service has on the families of the babies and children that are treated, stabilised and transferred by NETS. The Calendar contains the NETS patients' photographed in the role of NETS Staff. The photo on the top and the calendar month on the bottom with a short paragraph of the child's experience with NETS and subsequent recovery.
For more information about NETS please visit
Patricia Giles centre has three Christmas Cards and two general cards ( blank Inside )for sale . All proceeds go towards helping women and children to make new lives free from family violence.
5 cards & envelopes $5.00 a packet + postage
To order: or Phone: 9300 0340
The Patricia Giles Centre supports women and children who are, or who have been, in situations of domestic and family violence. Domestic violence can include physical, mental, emotional, verbal, financial, social, spiritual or sexual abuse.
Christmas Cards
Both the Turkey and Christmas Tree cards were designed by volunteer, Joan Fowles, who joined Alzheimer's Australia Vic six years ago because her grandmother had dementia and volunteers on our National Dementia helpline finding her role very satisfying. These cards are plastic wrapped in packs of 10 with envelopes and retail for $10 per pack.
This year we’ve also introduced the Peace Dove, DL-sized card. This one features silver foil lining, shrink wrapped in 10’s with envelopes included.
The final part in our range is the Christmas Collection mixed pack. These were introduced for the first time in 2009 and sold quickly. This year the pack contains 10 cards and all come packaged in a sealed plastic bag with envelopes and retail for $6.
‘My Memories’
For the first time, Alzheimer’s Australia Vic has made available a unique journal for people to personalise as their very own album of memories and stories.
The ‘My Memories’ journal serves as a simple template for individuals to fill out details about themselves, to share with their families and friends, enabling participants to jot down their own unique thoughts and memories in a beautiful journal.
It’s a handy reference tool for people to look through when they want to be reminded on events and special memories and there is even space to trace your family tree and store photos and memories in a handy wallet inside the journal.
This album costs $14.95 and the proceeds from the sales support people living with dementia living with dementia, their families and carers.
‘If Matthew Flinders had Wings’
A Richard Buxton book combining stunning photography of Australia’s rugged coastlines with commentary on each chapter selling for $69.95.
Anglicord – Anglican Overseas Aid
Let your light shine for women at risk
“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5.16
Mary gave birth in a dark and dirty stable, and throughout Jesus’ early childhood, they remained in danger. Women still give birth and raise children in dangerous situations around the world today.
Give the gift of light this Christmas and keep women safe.
Did you know that over 60% of women in Solomon Island report violence by an intimate partner, and over half have been forced into sex against their will?
Increased lighting through our solar program means that women are safer, because, to put it bluntly, more light equals less rape.
Good lighting in homes and villages can help keep women safe, but most people in Solomon Islands do not have access to electricity. When you buy the gift of solar light, you are also investing in Education, Employment and Health & environment benefits.
To donate, call 1800 249 880 or visit
Open Minds Christmas Appeal – “From crisis to care this Christmas”
Open Minds supports people living with mental illness, disability or acquired brain injury to live independently and well. In 2012 Open Minds will celebrate a Centenary – 100 years of service in Queensland.
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Above: Our client Nanek with his support worker Ryo at a Do It Club bbq |
Each Christmas, Open Minds provides a Christmas gift for a group of 150 people. Within our client base of 700+, these individuals are the most isolated and vulnerable in our community; and for most, our gift to them is the only present they receive each year. So you can understand that we want to make each person’s Christmas feel really special!
We always work hard to give clients a practical or experience gift that will add something special to their everyday lives. In past years, we have given sheets, pillows and towels as Christmas gifts.
This year, we chose movie tickets as our goal. Sometimes we can all forget that simple things, such as going to the movies, are out of reach for many people in our community; some people are the ones we support. A trip to the local cinema can brighten our outlook and provide enjoyment, making a massive difference to our clients.
Funds raised through our 2011 Christmas Appeal will allow us to:
- Support our client Christmas Party to give our clients a special and memorable day
- Purchase a practical and much needed gift for our clients
- Provide hampers of Christmas treats to those most deserving, and
- Support Do It Club activities in 2012 – retreats and camps, local barbeques, accessing community events, skills building workshops such as assertiveness, job interview readiness, or personal presentation.
Your support of our Christmas Appeal will not only support our hundreds of clients this festive season, but build funds for ongoing support into 2012.
With our donors kind support during 2011, we have hosted events for our many hundreds of clients to get out and about and held workshops to build skills so they may live independently and well.
Without their support, and yours this Christmas, we couldn’t make the difference we have. We thank everyone for helping us, and look forward to your support going into 2012 – our Centenary of Service.
The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is pleased to announce the release of our 2011 Christmas Catalogue. Buying your Christmas presents through our catalogue will make a difference to the lives of some of our community’s most vulnerable people.
We have a great selection of organic, fair trade products that will feel great to buy and give. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre to help us provide direct, critical services to asylum seekers.
Our products include, Christmas cards and gift wrap printed with vegetable dyes on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, tempting ASRC Catering products such as our spices and Turkish delight, our incredibly popular ASRC aprons, Tea Lady certified organic herbal teas and soy wax candles. Plus more!
Click here to view the ASRC Catalogue
Say No to Naff this Christmas with UNICEF Australia
Naff: naf (slang) adj inferior, worthless, lacking taste or style, vulgar.
Stop! Don’t reach for the socks, soaps or satin boxers this Christmas. UNICEF Australia is encouraging all Australians to “Say no to Naff” and instead give a gift that will make a real difference for children in need.
UNICEF has launched the “say No to Naff” campaign, to reduce the amount of ‘naff’, unwanted Christmas gifts and to make this festive season count for all kids through UNICEF’s Inspired Gifts.
“By saying No To Naff this Christmas, mums, dads, sisters, brothers and all family and friends can truly share the joy of Christmas by giving gifts that will really count for all kids”, said UNICEF Australia Chief Executive Dr Norman Gillespie.
“This year we are encouraging Australians to purchase a gift that will really make a difference to a child’s life and from soccer balls to school books the range is extensive.
“You can foster faster footwork, fitness and fun with a UNICEF football ($32), turn on the tap to a whole community with a UNICEF water pump ($503), help a family get into gear with a snazzy new bicycle ($87) help a school full of students sharpen up for a new year of learning with pencils ($10 for 500 pencils) or choose from one of the extensive range of gifts at
UNICEF Australia also guarantees that 100% of the purchase price of your gift will go to purchasing and ensuring your gift is delivered to the field.
Last year UNICEF sent over 8 million Inspired gifts to 76 countries assisting over 10 million children.
For more information see or call 1300 365 943.
Give a gift to remote Australia this Christmas
They do not need a goat or a pig and they definitely have enough cows in the paddock, but you can still give a gift this Christmas that will make a difference to people living in outback Australia.
Frontier Services Christmas Gift Cards provide you with an opportunity to buy a gift for someone that will keep giving long after the tinsel comes down and the sales are over. Each gift will have a direct impact on people living in remote Australia throughout the year to come.
You can select one of the following gifts:
- Help educate a young person from a remote area. For $25, you can support the cost of a student to live in a Student Group Home when there is no high school closer to home.
- Give the gift of a helping hand for a family in the bush. For $50, you can support a volunteer placement through the Outback Links program that connects volunteers with isolated families who need an extra helping hand.
- Fill the tank of a patrol minister. For $100, you can assist a patrol minister to cover 500km visiting isolated families to provide practical and emotional support.
- Alternatively, you can select a gift amount to support the work of Frontier Services as a whole.
“In the past year, record-breaking floods, cyclones and bushfires have impacted on the lives of many people living in remote Australia. Many were left not only to rebuild homes and fences, but also their livelihoods,” said Frontier Services National Development Manager Gabriel Lacoba.
“Many of the families with whom Frontier Services works are a long way from mainstream services. It can be very hard – or at times impossible – for them to access support.”
“By purchasing a Frontier Services Christmas gift card you will help us to ensure that no one is alone – no matter where they live.”
After selecting your gift, you will be sent a card with a description of your gift and a Christmas message for the person who is to receive it.
Check out the Frontier Services gift cards at
About Recreate Philippines
Recreate Philippines was chosen as the name for Bahay Tuluyan’s collection of ethical products as children involved in the project not only create beautiful products out of recycled materials, but are recreating a new future for themselves and other Filipino children.
The participation of children is designed to be ‘child friendly’ and is limited to children over the age of fifteen. Participation by children is voluntary, working conditions are safe and ethical, appropriate compensation is provided and work does not interfere with children's education. All production work is monitored to ensure that it is appropriate to the child’s age and development and that it will contribute to the advancement of the child’s skills.
Bahay Tuluyan encourages you to purchase Recreate Philippines products at our online shopping portal
About Bahay Tuluyan:
Bahay Tuluyan is a non government organization that provides a variety of programs and services aimed at preventing and responding to abuse and exploitation of children in the Philippines. We work in Manila, Laguna and Quezon, delivering social services and programs on the street and in communities.
Bahay Tuluyan seeks to promote, fulfill, respect and protect children’s rights. Throughout all of our work, we seek maximum children’s participation and see the best interests of the child as being of paramount concern. The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child is the framework for all of our programs and services.
Visit for more details.
Are you searching for a more meaningful Christmas gift? Would your friends and family prefer something life changing and inspiring? Give the gift of joy this Christmas, by connecting them with the hardworking and incredible grassroots women and men working to end their own hunger and poverty.
Together you and your friends and family can be a part of creating a world free from hunger. By contributing to The Hunger Project Australia in the name of someone you care for, you are making your giving truly special. You are unlocking the productivity of the poorest of the poor and helping them build self-reliance.
And it's easy to give a meaningful e-card. Just go to The Hunger Project Australia website.
You will find 4 funding possibilities:
Microfinance Program in Ghana
-Helps create income-generating businesses for villagers -
Food Security Program in Mozambique
-Trains rural farmers on best food growing practices -
Bangladesh Animators
-Trains volunteers who help end child marriages -
Training of India's Elected Women Leaders
-Trains women to advocate for education and nutrition
A certificate will be created and emailed out to either you or your friend/family (whichever you prefer) once payment has been received for a selected program.
This is a great way to give personally or from your company. We have created a template and instructions for multiple certificates that can be downloaded and sent back to us. We'll do the rest.
For further information on these programs please click on the link above. Last year, during the Christmas period we raised $27,000 for Microfinance programs – with your help we hope to keep that momentum going!
The Hunger Project works to break the cycle of poverty. We believe hungry people themselves are the key to ending hunger. In partnership, we unleash their vision, commitment and leadership so they can feed their families and their communities. It's the gift of self-reliance, global connection and belonging.
Engineers Without Borders Australia
Christmas Gifts that Engineer a Better World
Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) works with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life through education and the implementation of sustainable engineering projects. EWB volunteer work with local organisations to build capacity in areas such as water and sanitation, appropriate technology, basic infrastructure and education. Your assistance will help us to provide essential skills and resources to underprivileged people, enabling them to build a sustainable and bright future for themselves and their families.
These gifts come as your choice of physical card or ecard. Examples include:
A spanner – $15
A week of water – $50
A solar panel – $500
To view all options or to purchase visit –
EWB is also encouraging people to send a message of admiration to our volunteers who are away from home at Christmas. We really want to make them feel loved and appreciated! Click here to make a donation to EWB and send a message to EWB volunteers this Christmas.
*Flickr image (in slideshow on Newspage): Some rights reserved by jcoterhals