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Philanthropy & giving

Different colour hands holding a variety of different sized speech bubbles.

Have your say on the future of philanthropy

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 23rd March 2023 -  The public is being invited to make submissions to the Productivity Commission's review into philanthropy, signalling another step towards doubling charitable giving by 2030.
ball dropping in water

Demonstrating your impact: the pathway to secure untied grant funds

Jo Garner, Thursday, 23rd March 2023 -  Strategic Grants director Jo Garner shares learnings from a conversation she had with Naomi Lehrer, philanthropy manager at RFDS VIC, about the importance of demonstrating your impact if you hope to receive untied grants.
A graphic image of two heads, depicted in black, talking to each other. The head on the left has a question mark where its brain should be and question marks coming out of its head, and the other has lightbulbs instead. They are on a teal background.

How philanthropy can drive innovation

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 15th March 2023 -  Giving to start-ups could help Australia meet its philanthropic giving target.
Two hands holding magnifying glasses at a man and a woman climbing a set of stairs.

“It’s not just looking at women”: Expanding the gender lens

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Tuesday, 7th March 2023 -  Applying a diverse gender lens to philanthropy and investing offers a critical solution to achieving equality, but impact washing is dampening its effect.

Inaugural US$25m food insecurity challenge

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 27th February 2023 -  Half a million US dollars will be awarded to 50 not-for-profit organisations aiming to strengthen the health of underserved and marginalised communities.
Range of diverse cartoon hands with red hearts on them.

“The best kept secret of philanthropy in Australia”

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 22nd February 2023 -  Community foundations are uniquely positioned to address broader societal crises, from cost of living to COVID, but there isn’t enough understanding of the sector, says one industry professional.

Monitoring and evaluation: 5 steps to funder happiness

Pasanna Mutha-Merennege, Monday, 13th February 2023 -  Demonstrating the impact of your work to funders can seem like an insurmountable task, but there are some key ways you can make your funders happy. 
A magnifying glass on a white background. The glass has a gold metal band around the glass and a wooden handle.

Government announces “wide-ranging” review of charitable giving as it chases philanthropy target

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 13th February 2023 -  A Productivity Commission review on the culture of giving in Australia is the first step towards the government target of doubling philanthropy.


Giving back to nature by unlocking scale and speed

Callum Ross, Wednesday, 8th February 2023 -  Climate finance is rising, but there's still a gap that philanthropy can help fill, writes Callum Ross. 
Four people holding each other's wrists in a square. Each one has a slightly darker skin tone.

Exclusive: Australia lacks clear understanding of cultural diversity in philanthropy

Danielle Kutchel, Thursday, 2nd February 2023 -  New research shows it’s time for the philanthropic sector to meaningfully embrace cultural diversity, both within its ranks and in its giving.  
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