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Wooden block in shape of person with a small block carved out symbolising a miscarriage.

Breaking the silence of miscarriage

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 29th March 2023 -  Isabelle Oderberg’s debut title unapologetically addresses the stigma surrounding pregnancy loss and presents a case for much-needed change.
Urn of ashes sitting on bed of flowers with people dressed in black in background.

Burying our preconceptions about funerals

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 8th March 2023 -  A not for profit and social franchise is forcing the mainstream funeral industry to wake up to a more accessible and affordable way of saying goodbye to our loved ones.

COSS Corner

Income support push, award nominations open

Contributor, Wednesday, 18th January 2023 -  ACOSS calls for real increase to income support payments, WACOSS opens award nominations, VCOSS holds event focussed on extreme heat. 
A letter in cursive writing sits open beneath a vase of flowers with a pink ribbon.

Taking connection to those who need it most

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 20th December 2022 -  How do you tackle loneliness? Through bringing connections to people, one social enterprise says.
A group of people sit on and stand around a playground. They are all smiling. They are staff at Jumbunna.

Jumbunna grows with community

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 -  A holistic approach to early childhood health and education shows what happens when a service provider grows with the community.
a group of people with their hands together in a circle, in a gesture of support

Flipping the script on hoarding

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 -  A three-pronged approach helps people with hoarding tendencies and gives them back their self-worth.
gender equality represented in blocks

The $128 billion cost to the Australian economy

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 10th November 2022 -  Addressing entrenched gender norms could provide a critical economic boost and offer a unique opportunity for philanthropists, a new report finds.


Breaking the gender norm

Catherine Fox, Thursday, 10th November 2022 -  Catherine Fox explains how a new report reveals the economic benefit from closing the gender equality gap.

COSS Corner

Appeals for govt to intervene in energy market, cost of living in focus in SA and Vic election tracker launches

Contributor, Wednesday, 9th November 2022 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


A tale of two Australias

Kon Karapanagiotidis, Wednesday, 26th October 2022 -  The budget was a tale of two Australias, one of well-being and the other of failed expectations, write Jana Favero and Kon Karapanagiotidis OAM.
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