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Circular Economy

A dog with caramel coloured fur and long ears sits on a white fluffy pet bed, with a white sofa and large windows in the background.

The five values driving eco-friendly pet bedding

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 17th January 2023 -  A Melbourne-based pet bedding company challenges throwaway culture in pet care.
protest sign saying system change not climate change

How the circular economy can help tackle climate change

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 2nd October 2019 -  There needs to be a shift in the global approach to tackling climate change, according to a new report, which suggests the circular economy could be the missing piece in the puzzle.
wind farm

Australia is the runaway global leader in building new renewable energy

Contributor, Thursday, 26th September 2019 -  Despite our federal government’s somewhat timid approach to climate change action, Australia’s renewable energy industry has been growing at a cracking pace – 10 times the global average, write Matthew Stocks, Andrew Blakers and Ken Baldwin fro
A woman carrying a green box for recycling

An opportunity not to be wasted

Andrew Cairns, Tuesday, 17th September 2019 -  If we stop looking at waste as something to be disposed of, and instead recognise it as an asset that can be repurposed, we can unlock a whole new waste to asset industry in Australia, writes Community Sector Banking CEO Andrew Cairns.
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