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Tag : Application

NFP App Program Empowers Youth

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 30th September 2014 -  An app development program that aims to empower young people to use technology as a tool for positive social change has been launched by the Foundation for Young Australians and Samsung…

NFP Grants Services Map

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 10th July 2014 -  The Federal Government has developed a Grants Services Map to illustrate the types of services available for funding in the current application process through the Department of…

Modern Day Collection Tins Roll Out – Charity Apps

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 26th March 2013 -  A number of major Australian charities have launched social media and mobile Apps to update their traditional fundraising. Tin rattling is an integral part of the fundraising effort…

Aussie Not for Profit App a Worldwide Success

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th February 2013 -  An Australian-developed Not for Profit app has been downloaded by more than a quarter of a million people worldwide, with requests to make it available in more languages. Alzheimer’s…
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