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Tag : Auctions

Getting Those Auction Items – Try Using Consignment?

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th November 2007 -  The date is set for your Gala Event and now the race is on to procure those unique auction items. Let’s face it – when it comes to getting the must-have items it’s who you know. So maybe it’s…

Charity Now A Regular On eBay

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th August 2006 -  The Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children is believed to be the first Australian charity to add eBay to its regular fundraising activities – with the added benefit of driving…

Hot Auction Prizes or Only in America

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 5th July 2005 -  Our friends from the US group Auctionpay (who kindly brought us the charity auction kit!) are reporting on the very latest hot auction items that are bringing in the big bucks at charity…

More Fundraising Tips for Auction Events

Staff Reporter, Monday, 25th October 2004 -  Charity auctions can promote a positive organisational culture while raising significant money for important causes. But a US expert says there are often-overlooked revenue-producing…

Organising A Charity Auction – Best Practice

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th September 2004 -  Many Not for Profits are in major event-fundraising mode at this time of year and it’s usually the work around the charity auction on the big night that causes the most headaches.…
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