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Tag : Australian Alliance to End Homelessness

A journey to discovery: Learning how other countries ended homelessness

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 19th May 2022 -  We sit down with Churchill Fellow David Pearson as he gets ready to travel to the United States, to find out about his trip and what he hopes to learn about how communities around the world

Putting homelessness on the map

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 7th February 2022 -  “We are hopeful that the findings will serve as a call to action for decision-makers, and a reminder that ending homelessness isn’t just necessary, but possible.” Experts say there

The invisible problem of death on our streets

Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 4th August 2021 -  Austr An estimated 424 people experiencing homelessness died on Australia’s streets over the past 12 months. The true number, however, is expected to be much higher.  As there is

Ending homelessness in a crisis?

David Pearson, Thursday, 16th April 2020 -  What is happening right now across Australia shows that rapid progress is possible, if the will is there, and if the work to understand the true nature of the problem has been done, writes

‘We can’t go back to the way things were’: COVID-19 shifts homelessness response

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 8th April 2020 -  Community groups say support must continue for those experiencing homelessness after the COVID-19 crisis ends              The coronavirus pandemic provides an opportunity to get the nation’s

Permanent Housing is Number One Priority

Wendy Williams, Friday, 13th April 2018 -  Moving into permanent housing is the number one priority for people experiencing homelessness, according to a new report which also revealed veterans and Indigenous Australians
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