Contributor, Tuesday, 27th November 2018 - In wake of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on Sunday, Australian Association of Social Workers national president Christine Craik says governments…
Lina Caneva, Thursday, 9th February 2017 -
New figures reveal a high proportion of children and teenagers who are under state care and protection orders, have sought help from homelessness agencies citing family violence…
Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 31st January 2017 - Not for profits are calling on the federal government to stand up for Australian values and make a “stronger commitment” to fulfil its human rights obligations in the wake of Donald…
Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th July 2016 -
Australian doctors have launched a High Court challenge to the secrecy provisions in the federal government’s Border Force Act that gag them from speaking out publicly about the…
Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th September 2015 -
A Federal Government plan to trial a “cashless” welfare card in disadvantaged communities has been slammed as a move towards a “more intrusive and disrespectful…