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Tag : Australian Leadership Index

New research puts charities in the “golden quadrant” of leadership

Samuel Wilson, Thursday, 9th February 2023 -  Charities are widely regarded as “the stewards of public interest”, but lack of investment in technology may be detrimental to the future of the sector, writes Samuel Wilson.  Charities

What Patagonia’s recent business move says about NFP leadership

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 15th September 2022 -  Patagonia handing its billion-dollar reins to a not-for-profit organisation is a timely reminder of the value the sector brings, says an industry expert. Patagonia’s recent decision

Revamped dashboard shows what public really thinks about Australian charities

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 27th July 2022 -  The more granular data now available from a key leadership study could help charities and not for profits identify and fix their organisational blindspots. The Australian Leadership

Charities shine bright as leaders for good

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 30th May 2022 -  Other sectors could learn a thing or two from charities about leading for the public good. Australians still have faith in charities to provide leadership for the public good, the

Is agile and hands-on leadership effective for the greater good?

Contributor, Thursday, 14th April 2022 -  Data shows Australians overwhelmingly view charities as leading for the greater good compared to other institutions. Susan Broomhall, Vlad Demsar, Melissa A Wheeler, and Samuel

Charities top community perceptions of leadership for the public good

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 25th September 2019 -  Australia’s perception of charities is on the rise, according to new research cementing charities as the nation’s highest rated institution.            Researchers at Swinburne University

Leadership index reveals public distrust in NFP sector

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 24th July 2019 -  Australians hold a negative view of the not-for-profit sector because of public distrust in religious organisations and trade unions, new research shows. Swinburne University
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