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Tag : Australian Tax Office

Improving NFP Interaction with the ATO

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 1st December 2016 -  The Australian Tax Office (ATO) is conducting a survey of the not-for-profit sector about how it interacts with the tax office. The research is being conducted by independent research

Not for Profit FBT Calculator

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  The Australian Taxation Office has released a Not for Profit Fringe Benefits Tax calculator suitable for use on mobile devices. The ATO said the calculator allows Public Benevolent…

No ATO Appeal on PBI Status

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -  The Australian Tax Office has decided not to appeal a Federal Court decision giving national Not for Profit, the Hunger Project, Public Benevolent Institution status – paving…

Balance of Power Senators Not ACNC Friendly

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th June 2014 -  Incoming minority party Senators – who will share the balance of power when the Senate changes over next week – are yet to make up their mind about their support or otherwise…

Charity Regulator To Track AIS Dodgers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th June 2014 -  The charity regulator, the ACNC, is working with the Australian Tax Office and other regulators to identify charities that have not filed an Annual Information Statement and may…

ACNC Cautions on Return to ATO and ASIC

Staff Reporter, Friday, 9th May 2014 -  The return of charity regulation back to the Australian Tax Office and ASIC would mean a return to regulatory deficiencies and unnecessary transitional costs for charities, the…

Thousands of Charities Go Missing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th April 2014 -  More than 4000 charities across Australia have gone missing – failing to make contact with the charity regulator, the ACNC, since it began registering charities in December…

Govt Consultation on Revised NFP Tax Conditions

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th March 2014 -  The Coalition Government has begun community consultations on draft legislation and regulations on the special conditions for tax concessions for Not for Profits and charities…

ATO Planning ACNC Takeover

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  The Australian Tax Office has started planning to take over the regulatory roles of national charity regulator the ACNC, a Senate Estimates hearing has been told. The Commissioner…

Charity Regulator Staff Offered Voluntary Redundancies

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 13th February 2014 -  Staff at Australia’s beleaguered charity regulator, the ACNC, have been offered voluntary redundancies as part of a major public service jobs cutting move by the Australian…

Govt Must Slash Charity Regulator – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th February 2014 -  The Abbott Government must remain firm in its pledge to abolish the charities commission and reduce red tape in the Not for Profit sector, according to a highly critical report by The…

ATO Updates Trust Deeds for Ancillary Funds

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th January 2014 -  The Australian Tax Office has updated versions of its Private ancillary fund model trust deed and Public ancillary fund model trust deed. The updated deeds replace the versions released…
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