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Tag : Australian Youth Affairs Coalition

Rallying the young to rise up

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 16th February 2023 -  As chair of the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition, Sarah Ramantanis advocates for young people to take their seat at the table and explore their full potential. She is this week’s

Australian Youth Affairs Coalition Defunded

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 14th May 2014 -  The Australian Youth Affairs Coalition has been officially de-funded following the release of the Federal Budget. In April, the long-established national youth peak body, announced

Survey Gives Young Australians a Voice on Welfare

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th February 2014 -  Australia’s national youth affairs peak body has launched an online survey to find out how young people experience Australia’s current welfare system.
The Australian

Increase in Young People In Detention – NFP Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd May 2013 -  A new report released by the Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (AYAC) says investment in community-driven services to prevent young offending is urgently needed to reduce the…

Young People Keen on Reconciliation – Survey

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 20th November 2012 - 
The Yarn About Youth report has revealed young people's attitudes to reconciliation.  A new survey has found the majority of young Australians (81%) have a strong desire…

Online Networking for Young Activists

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 31st October 2012 - 
A new website will connect youth-led organisations and leaders.  A networking and collaboration website connecting emerging youth-led organisations and leaders has been…

Young Australians Want Reconciliation- Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 9th August 2012 -  As many as eight out of 10 young Australians have a strong desire to advance reconciliation—but less than half know how to go about it. The Yarn about Youth survey by the Australian…

Not for Profits Welcome Establishment of National Children’s Commissioner

Staff Reporter, Monday, 30th April 2012 -  A coalition of Australia’s leading children and youth focused organisations has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement of the establishment of a National…

NFPs Cautious on National Commissioner for Children and Young People

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th April 2012 -  Australia’s leading children and youth focused organisations have cautiously welcomed the Government’s plan to establish a National Commissioner for Children…

What’s in it for me? Understanding Young Volunteers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th November 2011 -  Above: Habitat for Hummanity's 'community of volunteers'.  Flickr image  Some rights reserved by Habitat for Humanity Great Britain

Mainstream School System Failing Young Australians

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 31st May 2011 -  The Federal Government’s ‘learn or earn’ policy has been labeled by education experts as another ineffective one size fits all policy for young people. Professor…
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