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Tag : Better Boards

NFP Board Remuneration Still Contentious – Report

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 7th December 2016 -  Almost 14 per cent of not-for-profit board members are currently receiving remuneration for their services – a drop from a high of 17 per cent in 2012/13 – according to a new report.…

Secrets on How to Ask for Money

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th July 2013 -  Australian Not for Profits need to convince funders that they are a good investment opportunity according to a visiting New Zealand fundraiser who has shared his secrets on asking…

Gen Y in the Board Room

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th July 2013 -  Many boards recognise that they need greater diversity in their board members. The attraction and retention of Gen Y individuals into governance positions is critical to organisations…

To Pay or Not to Pay, That is the Question

Staff Reporter, Monday, 8th July 2013 -  The national Better Boards Conference held in Melbourne over the weekend saw more than 400 Not for Profit CEOs and Board members join together to learn more on how to govern in turbulent…

NFP Board Remuneration Survey

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th October 2012 -  Better Boards Australasia is embarking on its second annual Non-Profit Board Member Remuneration Survey for organisations in Australia and New Zealand. The survey asks representatives…

Leadership Key To NFP Success – Better Boards Conference

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th August 2012 -  There is a growing disenchantment with the ability of institutions, governments, and business to deliver on people’s hopes and expectations, according to the CEO of World…

Not for Profit Better Boards Conference – Win Free Tickets

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 24th April 2012 -  Australasia’s largest and longest running governance and leadership conference, the 6th Australasian Better Boards Conference will be held at the Melbourne Convention…
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