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Tag : Challenges

Now is the time to invest in the strategic adaptation of volunteering

Mark Pearce, Wednesday, 2nd December 2020 -  Volunteering Australia CEO Mark Pearce considers the structural issues facing volunteering in light of the challenges we’ve seen this year and longer-term trends, in this article

Toward resilient community organisations

Mike Davis, Monday, 27th July 2020 -  COVID-19 has posed an important question to all community organisations – are you working towards becoming resilient, writes Mike Davis. Resilience or the quality of being resilient

Not for Profits “Hypersensitive” On Donor Engagement -Survey

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 1st May 2012 -  Not for Profit organisations in the US  have become 'hypersensitive' to successfully engaging with their supporters and creating awareness for their mission, according…
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