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Tag : Change management


Is your non-profit suffering from regulatory fatigue?

Oliver May, Thursday, 21st March 2019 -  Regulatory change can be managed, anticipated, and provokes opportunities for growth, dialogue and advocacy, writes Oliver May in this article offering advice on how NFPs that

Managing Change and Getting It Done Well

Contributor, Tuesday, 14th August 2018 -  OPTIMUM NFP provides a change management masterclass that supports your not-for-profit organisation. Research into organisational change management has been rampant globally

Introducing the Definitive Nonprofit Sector Change Management Masterclass

Contributor, Tuesday, 17th April 2018 -  Can your not for profit achieve its long-term goals in the absence of an effective change management strategy, asks OPTIMUM NFP. Organisational sustainability and change go hand-in-hand.

Introducing the OPTIMUM NFP CARC Initiative

Contributor, Tuesday, 27th February 2018 -  The survival of your not-for-profit organisation will depend largely on its ability to adapt and to change in evolving market conditions, writes OPTIMUM NFP. Of all the issues discussed


The Crux of NFP Mergers

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th October 2013 -  Funding changes are already showing signs of change in the disability and the aged care sectors including Not for Profit mergers. But organisations need a ‘culture change’


The Crux of Language

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 11th July 2013 -  Is it time to change the language around the Not for Profit sector and harness an opportunity to state what the sector is about and highlight its work for the common good, asks Change…
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