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Tag : Childcare


Voice of the Family

Wendy Williams, Monday, 16th January 2017 -  Jo Briskey is the executive director of The Parenthood a not-for-profit movement of Australian parents and carers, working to gain positive policy changes through lobbying government

Mother’s Day Budget Surprise

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 11th May 2015 -  It was intended as a Mother’s Day gift to the tune of $3.5 billion, but the Abbott Government’s showcase childcare package has been slammed for “stealing”…

Caution on Clubs Childcare Push

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 16th September 2014 -  Supporting tax exemptions for clubs to provide childcare would not be in the best interests of children or child development according to welfare Not for Profit, The Benevolent Society.…

Mums to Stop Work Over Childcare Subsidy Cuts – Survey

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th February 2014 -  Australian working mums will take a hit if childcare subsidies are reduced, a national survey by a major Not for Profit early learning and care provider has revealed. Mission Australia’s…

Social Inclusion Report Card Revealed

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 8th August 2012 -  Australia’s latest social inclusion report card finds that despite national prosperity, not all Australians are enjoying access to the same opportunities, with a significant…

Draft National Child Protection Standards Released

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 7th July 2010 -  The Federal Government has released draft national standards aimed at improving the health, safety and wellbeing of children living in foster homes and other formal out-of-home…
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