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Tag : Civil Society

Where to for civil society in the next five years?

Neil Pharaoh, Monday, 27th February 2023 -  Over the weekend Neil Pharaoh did a radio interview on civil society and it got him thinking – what will be the future of  civil society on its current trajectory? Civil society can be

Australia’s COVID response could be undermining democracy. Why is civil society staying silent?

Robyn Gulliver, Monday, 13th September 2021 -  The social sector needs to find the will to drive politicians to deliver funding and policy decisions that will lead us to build back better, write Neil Pharaoh and Angus Crowther.

Will your organisation lean in, or lean out on March 4 Justice and women’s rights?

Neil Pharaoh, Tuesday, 30th March 2021 -  We are reaching a moment in time where there is great opportunity for civil society to lead the way in making lasting change, writes Neil Pharaoh.  It is impossible to ignore the recent

‘Coming together is more important than ever’

Contributor, Thursday, 11th June 2020 -  The Pro Bono Australia community is invited to join Virtual Progress 2020, an urgent crisis response online conference on June 23-24 hosted by Australian Progress.  Right now we

Smear campaign against green activists, anti-protest laws and media restrictions in Australia

Robyn Gulliver, Thursday, 6th February 2020 -  In an illuminating new article, CIVICUS Monitor highlights why Australia’s civic space rating was recently downgraded to “narrowed”. In recent months, the prime minister

The best country in the world… but not for activism

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 5th December 2019 -  New research reveals Australia’s civil society is under increasing threat  Media raids and the introduction of data surveillance laws have seen Australia’s civic rating downgraded,

Can civil society help Australia meet its SDGs?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 13th November 2019 -  Australia is not on track to meet its Sustainable Development Goal targets by 2030   Charities can play a role in meeting Australia’s Sustainable Development Goal commitments,

Civil society takes up fight to make democracy equal again

Robyn Gulliver, Wednesday, 25th September 2019 -  The multi-million dollar individual candidate spends seen in the 2019 federal election should be stopped warns a coalition of civil society groups, who are calling for an immediate

UK welcomes charity founder as new minister for the sector

Luke Michael, Friday, 2nd August 2019 -  A former charity CEO has been appointed the new UK minister for civil society. Baroness Diana Barran was announced as the minister responsible for the charity sector on Tuesday, serving

Volunteering: The ultimate act of kindness

Andrew Cairns, Tuesday, 16th July 2019 -  Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking, considers how we can grow volunteerism in businesses to build a stronger civil society. There is great reward in the act of volunteering.

Partnerships are the key to a thriving civil society

Andrew Cairns, Thursday, 13th June 2019 -  Our communities are better when they bind together with a common purpose and common values, writes Andrew Cairns, CEO of Community Sector Banking. Australia is a dynamic nation on

Could you help make finance more sustainable?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 17th April 2019 -  People from all corners of society are being encouraged to join some of the big finance players and civil society leaders to help guide the finance sector toward a more sustainable
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