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Tag : Clare Martin

ACOSS Calls for National Regulator

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th May 2010 -  ACOSS is calling on the Federal Government to adopt recommendations of the Henry Review and the Productivity Commission in next week’s Budget to establish a new national,…

ACOSS Responds to Henry Tax Review

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd May 2010 -  Australia’s welfare umbrella organisation, the Australian Council of Social Services, ACOSS says it’s disappointed that the Rudd Government has ruled out a number…

ACOSS Chief Resigns

Staff Reporter, Monday, 19th April 2010 -  ACOSS CEO and former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory, Claire Martin has resigned after two years in the top Not for Profit sector job. Martin will take up a new position at a…

Rudd Government Urged to Act on Productivity Commission Report

Staff Reporter, Friday, 12th February 2010 -   The Australian Council of Social Service Community, ACOSS, has called on the Federal Government to implement key reforms including the establishment of an independent regulator;…

Test Case Brings Pay Equity Closer for Community Sector Workers

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th November 2009 -   Clare Martin, CEO of the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has congratulated the Australian Services Union and Federal Government for setting in train a process…
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