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Tag : Co-operatives

Co-ops and mutuals move into the mainstream

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 1st June 2021 -  The Commonwealth government is improving visibility of the co-operative model Co-operatives have joined the list of recognised business structures on the Commonwealth’s official

Co-operatives – the slow food of social enterprise?

Antony McMullen, Wednesday, 14th October 2020 -  Social enterprises hold great potential to make our world better. To realise this transformative potential, we must ensure the fullness and diversity of this sector is recognised

‘Invisible’ Sector Answer to Economic, Social Issues

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 4th November 2015 -  A lack of diversity and competition is holding back Australia’s economy while one of the solutions, co-operatives and mutuals, remains largely “invisible”,…

Aus Co-operatives A Hidden ‘Ninja’ Economy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 19th November 2014 -  The co-operatives and mutuals sector has been hailed as an undervalued ‘ninja’ economy by advocates as a report is released showing the sector makes the same contribution…


Backing Up or Carving Out? The Role of Government in Supporting Social Enterprise

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 19th November 2014 -  Recognition of the role of social enterprises and intermediaries is needed in Australia to clarify their place in, and importance to Federal policy and the economy more broadly writes


The Critical Importance of Co-Ops and Mutuals

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th August 2014 -  While recent analyses of the evolving relationship between Government, the Not for Profit sector and communities is compelling but there is a vitally important element missing


Privatising The Royal Mail – Lessons for Australia Post?

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th March 2014 -  If the Commonwealth Government is intent on selling off Australia Post, then one of the lessons from the UK experience is to make sure that the Australian taxpayer is not short changed,

Scrapping Food Grants is False Economy: Alliance

Staff Reporter, Monday, 24th February 2014 -  The Federal Government’s decision to scrap the $1.5 million Community Food Grants program is false economy and shows it is disconnected from the Australian community, according…
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