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Tag : Community Council for Australia


Losing our most important news platform

David Crosbie, Thursday, 23rd March 2023 -  David Crosbie reflects on the impact Pro Bono News has had over the past two decades. Over a decade ago when the Community Council for Australia (CCA) was being established, the need


Developing the skills for leadership

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 19th January 2023 -  As CEO of not for profit Social Ventures Australia, Suzie Riddell has led strategic change in all corners of the for-purpose sector. She is this week’s Changemaker. Suzie Riddell

Changing our future  

David Crosbie, Wednesday, 2nd November 2022 -  Does the charities sector needs to have stronger ownership of policy development groups, if government will not properly resource them? “If you do not change direction, you may end…

Dear Commissioner: Community Council for Australia

David Crosbie, Monday, 1st August 2022 -  No one wants the ACNC to succeed in its role more than the sector itself and hugely knowledgable sector leaders are ready to offer advice, guidance and support, writes David Crosbie

‘Charities can be part of the solution’

David Crosbie, Thursday, 19th March 2020 -  In an open letter to governments across Australia, David Crosbie and Tim Costello make seven suggestions as to how government can work more effectively with charities over the coming

Have you been innovated?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 20th February 2020 -  As Community Council for Australia begins the work of developing a charities sector blueprint, the issue of how innovation is applied within the charities sector is one of the critical

Rocking the cradle

David Crosbie, Thursday, 6th February 2020 -  Business as usual is no longer going to be enough for governments, neither will it be for charities. If we hope to grow in strength and effectiveness we will need to support collective

Our saving grace

David Crosbie, Thursday, 26th September 2019 -  To be effective, you have to say no to some things, give yourself permission to not do everything, and to not do everything you do well, writes Community Council for Australia CEO David

Charities are critical to Australia’s future prosperity

David Crosbie, Thursday, 29th August 2019 -  This week a new report and a respected senior public servant have both highlighted that social inclusion is a key to future growth in prosperity in Australia. Social inclusion is not

Can teaming up with finance groups save your charity?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 12th June 2019 -  Struggling charities will miss out on billions of dollars in funding for social impact programs if they don’t look to the finance sector for help, a new report warns. The report, released


Compassion – A Radical Response?

David Crosbie, Thursday, 6th December 2018 -  Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie explains why he would like to see a more compassionate Australia in 2019. At a forum this week I was asked to reflect on what I would

Not Waiting for Lighting to Strike Twice

David Crosbie, Thursday, 16th August 2018 -  For the Department of the Environment and Energy to grant over $440 million to a small charity that didn’t even prepare an application form or ask for the grant is inconceivable, writes
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