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Tag : Community Development

Turning Outward for Community-Wide Change

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th October 2014 -  A visiting US Collective Impact guru tells Pro Bono Australia News why he is urging Not for Profits to de-prioritise internal benchmarks – calling for them to instead take the

Gandel Grants Open

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th February 2014 -  One of Australia's largest independent philanthropic family funds, Gandel Philanthropy has announced its communityassist grants are open for application to eligible Not…

Global Shifts Conference to Push the Boundaries

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th November 2012 -  Global Shifts 2012: Social Enterprise Conference is bringing together change-makers, entrepreneurs and high-profile leaders from Australia and overseas to look at ways to push…

CSR Changemaker – David Brooks

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th November 2012 -  The Managing Director of Social Traders, David Brooks, is profiled in CSR Changemakers – a new column which examines inspiring people and their careers in the CSR and social
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