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Tag : Community services

Mixed budget reaction from community services sector 

Isabelle Oderberg, Tuesday, 25th October 2022 -  Sector welcomes community service funding but roundly condemns the federal government’s lack of movement on social welfare payments while granting tax cuts to high income earners. 

Community services struggle in Covid’s shadow

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 21st December 2021 -  Just 6 per cent of charities say they have been able to meet all demand for services in 2021 As 2021 comes to a weary close, new research has revealed that charity staff are not only burnt-out

Budget responses, human rights-based approaches and costly youth justice reforms

Contributor, Tuesday, 18th May 2021 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


ACOSS has prepared preliminary analysis on the federal budget, which includes briefing on income support,

Pre-budget brief: ‘The government must ensure that people aren’t left behind’

Cassandra Goldie, Monday, 10th May 2021 -  Cassandra Goldie provides a run through of what the Australian Council of Social Service is looking for in this week’s federal budget. As we head towards the federal budget, First

Behind my crooked legs: The medical reality of life with a disability

Holly Matthews, Thursday, 10th December 2020 -  Holly Matthews explains what life is like for her as a teenager with Cerebral Palsy and shares her thoughts on what the disability and broader community sector can do to help young people

Predictions for 2020: Community services

Doug Taylor, Tuesday, 18th February 2020 -  A report released in the latter part of last year could lead to a tipping point of sorts for the not-for-profit sector in 2020, as the implications of this start to play out and we ask questions

Community sector struggling to meet demand

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 20th January 2020 -  Australia’s peak welfare body is calling for a $2 billion injection for community services Just 5 per cent of community sector staff believe they can completely meet service demand,

What community services want: An end to the cuts

Cassandra Goldie, Friday, 12th April 2019 -  Healthy, inclusive, thriving communities need quality, secure community services, writes ACOSS CEO Dr Cassandra Goldie, as part of a series of articles looking at what the social

ACOSS Calls for $2 Billion Budget Boost for Community Services

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 19th February 2019 -  Australia’s community services sector needs a $2 billion a year federal funding injection to reverse major budget cuts to programs that vulnerable people rely on, the nation’s peak


Data the Key for Collective Impact

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th February 2014 -  A Collective Impact approach is key for the Community Services sector to take the next step in the sector’s evolution in Australia, however the approach brings with it the challenge
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