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Tag : Conference article

Caring Not Cash – Fundraisers Warned

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 19th February 2015 -  Australian fundraisers need a dramatic focus-shift towards embracing the personal stories of their donors rather than the missions of their own organisations, a national fundraising…

FIA Negotiates With ACNC on Regulatory Environment

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 19th February 2015 -  Australia’s peak fundraising body, Fundraising Institute Australia, is consulting with the charity regulator on how to reduce red tape, an annual conference in Brisbane…

Beware the ‘Anti-Social’ Sector

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 20th November 2014 -  Impact measurement, with a focus on collaboration rather than pleasing funders with “pictures of sad children, is key to avoiding an “anti-social” sector as…

Volunteer Warning on Work for the Dole

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 6th November 2014 -  Volunteering Victoria has voiced concern about the impact of the work for the dole scheme, which will compel some job seekers to take on volunteer roles to maintain their dole payments.…

Division on Philanthropy’s Gender Bias

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 28th October 2014 -  Barriers for women in philanthropy remain despite generational change de-emphasising traditional gender roles, prominent philanthropists have told a Melbourne summit. The…

Australia’s Only Challenge to Be Ambitious: Owen

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 28th October 2014 -  Australia’s next generation of philanthropists and changemakers must be more ambitious and avoid complacency, Foundation for Young Australians CEO Jan Owen warned a Melbourne…

Putting Purpose into Shared Value

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 27th November 2013 -  Purpose must underpin the integration of creating shared value (CSV) principles into corporate strategy, international keynote speaker Marc Pfitzer has told the 2nd Australian…

More Risks Key to Future of Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 23rd October 2013 -  Australian social entrepreneurs need to be more flexible and take more risk in the world of philanthropy, the Nexus Australian Youth Summit in Sydney has been told. Paul Higgins (Emergent

Volunteering Australia Reveals New Look

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th September 2013 -  Volunteering Australia has unveiled its new brand only weeks after appointing Brett Williamson as new CEO at the National Conference on Volunteering in Adelaide.   Volunteering

Volunteers Report Bullying as Major Rights Violation

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th September 2013 -  Bullying is the dominant way in which volunteers’ rights are violated in Australia, according to new research unveiled at the National Conference on Volunteering in Adelaide.…

Volunteering Australia CEO Reveals ‘Passion’ for New Job

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th September 2013 -  Newly appointed Volunteering Australia CEO Brett Williamson says his passion for volunteering led him to postpone his retirement to take up the controversial role. Speaking to…
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